Being Prime Minister should never be an automatic reason for a state funeral. As far as I am concerned no PM has deserved one since Churchill. Maggie disqualifies herself for selling the family silver
. That most of our Gas, Electricty and Transport is owned by foreigners is an inditement of everything that the woman ever stood for. That was COMPLETE AND UTTER TREASON and she should have been put in the Tower of London long ago. Her "rejoice" moment was just a pathetic attempt to save herself when things were politically going very badly. Blair was equally treasonable and useless. I would be very happy to see a few Singers, Actors, Conductors and Sportsmen given the honour of State Funerals. That Sir Adrian Boult, Benjamin Britten or Michael Tippett were not given them is disgraceful. Maybe we should give them to holders of the Order of Merit. That might solve the silly squabbling about who gets them.