Is the famous doggy soon going to be put down?
Nipper RIP (?)
Gurnemanz, that's quite an old article (5 Jan 2011). However, I don't think that HMV's fortunes have improved as the year has progressed. It was sad to see the old Oxford St/ Bond St branch close in the summer and I wonder how far their stores can survive when its own website often sells new releases at half the 'in-store' price. I very rarely buy anything from them now unless it's in one of their clearance sales.Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency....
Well,this article is from today's Telegraph, and Nipper's future is not looking any rosier:-
I hardly ever buy from HMV, either CDs or DVDs. The stores are poorly laid out and confusing, the classical section in most branches is very much an afterthought, and the staff look disinterested. Add to that the fact that most items are several pounds cheaper via Amazon, and really it's not surprising they're in trouble.Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
Mark Twain.
Originally posted by Mr Pee View PostWell,this article is from today's Telegraph, and Nipper's future is not looking any rosier:-
I hardly ever buy from HMV, either CDs or DVDs. The stores are poorly laid out and confusing, the classical section in most branches is very much an afterthought, and the staff look disinterested. Add to that the fact that most items are several pounds cheaper via Amazon, and really it's not surprising they're in trouble., in the late 1960s) at the famous huge HMV shop in Oxford Street, London. The music playing over the loudspeakers was Mozart's Clarinet Concerto with Jack Brymer and Sir Tommy Beecham. Could you imagine that in any HMV shop now? I approached the exit doors. Whilst I had been in the queue it had been the Beach Boys; fair enough. At the doors themselves, they burst open (yes, in those days they were automatic!!) and in stepped the confident figure of Jack Brymer himself. He cocked his ear and in hid deep basso profundo voice uttered aloud "Oh, fucking hell" and walked out with me. I did not say a word as I felt for him. On the other hand, looking back, the thought of such a mixed bag over the tannoy is unimaginable these days.
I hate HMV shops. The trouble is, there are so few shops left selling classical CDs. I buy nearly all mine online.
Frau Alpensinfonie deals with the noise at the Scarborough HMV store by talking to the staff with a quiet voice. With the loud noise pollution playing, she is inaudible. When they tell her they can't hear her, she writes on a scrap of paper : "turn the music down then".
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostFrau Alpensinfonie deals with the noise at the Scarborough HMV store by talking to the staff with a quiet voice. With the loud noise pollution playing, she is inaudible. When they tell her they can't hear her, she writes on a scrap of paper : "turn the music down then".I must remember that one.
Haven't been to Scarborough since the mid-seventies and an NUS conference. Hobnobbing with half the old Labour and a few of the present Tory Cabinets....and Alistair Stewart, who got lost and read the news instead
What was it that Spike Milligan said about Prince Charles? Mind you, loved tonight's BBC 4 prog on Alan Ayckbourne on the Yentob "Imagine" show.