I like to think I like the French but angles are based on our experience. Occasionally, life suddenly provides friends who leave us as quickly as they arrived. Oddly, you find yourself staying with them, once, unlike many who are close for 30 years. So it was that one summer I happened to be in the high hills above Nice with a bohemian couple, the woman's son and several scruffy dogs.
Had I been looking for a stereotypical picture, I couldn't have been more thrilled. The setting was idyllic. We dined al fresco among trees beside their modest ramshackle house. Both adults were communists with a hint of having once been on the run.
They had a mild drug habit, of course, but it was pretty innocuous. The records were all Zappa and Gong. And there they were in middle age, he a gardener to film stars and she leading the revolution. How I enjoyed the well-meaning but maniacal drive from town to town as she battled against the closure of local swimming pools.
I learnt from this brief stay that all the French hate their politicians. They are disgusted that every one of them is so right wing. So I am more worried by the comments of Noyer this week than those of Baroin. The bankers seem determined to start a war.
Had I been looking for a stereotypical picture, I couldn't have been more thrilled. The setting was idyllic. We dined al fresco among trees beside their modest ramshackle house. Both adults were communists with a hint of having once been on the run.
They had a mild drug habit, of course, but it was pretty innocuous. The records were all Zappa and Gong. And there they were in middle age, he a gardener to film stars and she leading the revolution. How I enjoyed the well-meaning but maniacal drive from town to town as she battled against the closure of local swimming pools.
I learnt from this brief stay that all the French hate their politicians. They are disgusted that every one of them is so right wing. So I am more worried by the comments of Noyer this week than those of Baroin. The bankers seem determined to start a war.