Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo
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I'm not sure there is a 'solution' to this crisis until some world organisation(s) like the IMF temporarily prop up the Euro edifice with overwhelming financial backing in order to convince the markets.That's where I agree with Eurosceptic Dave ... the Big Bazooka idea always seemed the most credible to me, as the issue is one of future confidence as well as current debt. Only when that happens (which surely it must eventually) will it be appropriate for governments 'to consult the people' for mandates but, like it or not, a government of either Right or Left will be subject to huge monetary constraints for a considerable period.
It's all very well for the Left to talk about growth now but where's the money for all this growth supposed to be coming from under present conditions ... ?
I agree with those who say that World Capitalism got us into this mess and only World Capitalism is in any sort of realistic position to get us out of it .
The revolution will just have to wait a bit longer, I'm afraid ...