Just sixteen and never seen a parsnip

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  • umslopogaas
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1977

    #85 marthe, a few rather disconnected thoughts. We have Datura stramonium (Jimson Weed) in the UK as a rather uncommon weed, presumably introduced from the New World; I've seen it occasionally, it isnt a problem (unless you are rash enough to eat the seeds). I went to look it up in my book of garden plants because I knew there are some very showy relatives that are sometimes displayed in greenhouses, only to find that the pestiferous taxonomists have changed the name to Brugmansia: at least, they had in 2003 when my book was published, they may well have changed it again by now.

    'Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe', movie from 1991, I looked it up in Halliwell's Film and Video Guide. It only got one star (few movies get any in Halliwell), but it got off quite lightly, given the glee with which he rips into the average movie: "A pleasant wallow in nostalgia for a less complicated age." For Halliwell, that's quite an enthusiastic endorsement.

    To be fair, there are an awful lot of mediocre movies out there and being a professional film critic must have a souring effect on your enthusiasm for the medium. Without even turning the page, here's a critical summing up of 'Friday the 13th': 'An oversexed couple make love in the bottom bunk, there's a dead body in the top bunk and the rest of the bunk is in the television commercials.'


    • Flosshilde
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 7988

      Originally posted by Ferretfancy View Post
      Roll up for a ride on the guilt trip!
      Indeed - male-dominated societies (eg Christian churches) fear women & reproduction (cue Scotty) & load women with the 'blame' for mankind being in a state of 'sin'. Sexual activity is inherently sinful & the only justification for it is to reproduce (see Mario Conti's recent comments on the Scottish Government's consultation on same-sex marriages).

      As for Sydney's comment about women having, or not having, an active role in becoming pregnant, women weren't supposed to enjoy sex- at best they endured men's sexual desires & were passive recipients of a man's seed, from which the child developed. If a women enjoyed sex she was a temptress & a harlot.

      So yes - once\ you're on the guilt trip it's a ride you can't get off!


      • amateur51

        Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
        Indeed - male-dominated societies (eg Christian churches) fear women & reproduction (cue Scotty) & load women with the 'blame' for mankind being in a state of 'sin'. Sexual activity is inherently sinful & the only justification for it is to reproduce (see Mario Conti's recent comments on the Scottish Government's consultation on same-sex marriages).

        As for Sydney's comment about women having, or not having, an active role in becoming pregnant, women weren't supposed to enjoy sex- at best they endured men's sexual desires & were passive recipients of a man's seed, from which the child developed. If a women enjoyed sex she was a temptress & a harlot.

        So yes - once\ you're on the guilt trip it's a ride you can't get off!
        And then that nice Sheer Hite showed 'em different


        • Mary Chambers
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 1963

          I had never heard the expression 'to fall pregnant' until quite recently. It was never used when I was pregnant (early 1970s), or for a long time after. I still find it a very strange usage, and would never say it myself.


          • Nick Armstrong
            • Nov 2010
            • 26628

            Originally posted by Mary Chambers View Post
            I had never heard the expression 'to fall pregnant' until quite recently. It was never used when I was pregnant (early 1970s), or for a long time after. I still find it a very strange usage, and would never say it myself.

            Same here Mary, it conjures up all sorts of ludicrous "fallen women" imagery to me. Stupid expression.
            "...the isle is full of noises,
            Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
            Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
            Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


            • rauschwerk
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 1489

              Simon Heffer blames the resurgence of its use on the welfare state: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/p...g-twisted.html


              • Sydney Grew
                • Mar 2007
                • 754

                Thanks Mr. Rauschwerk; what a fine article!


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 38179

                  Falling pregnant would possibly induce miscarriage, one would assume...

