Originally posted by vinteuil
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I'm not sure I can do justice to Mahan's contributions, as I might have to mod myself (his language is occasionally ripe

As for Squire Trelawny, this was the exchange that prompted my post:
Lovely Petroc, it's Elguh (as in Elder) not Elgahr (as in agar). From an admirer.
Oo, sorry Petroc. I'm sure it's Norsherping (dum di dum), not Nor-shopping.
Petroc Trelawny (for it is he. Ed.): Dear Philip - you are quite correct re the orch - it sped towards me with no time to double check. At least not nor-kopping. Re. Elgar I think a debate between period pronunciation and accepted modern usage - most people say El-garr ... Though I accept that in no way means that is correct ...
To be clear, that wasn't a perticklishly amusing exchange - it was just good of PT to wade in and respond (perhaps the adjective "lovely" proved an effective bait....
