Originally posted by Lat-Literal
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Pronunciation watch
Sloppy speech plus possibly also ignorance can produce unfortunate results.
Interred and interned are not interchangeable, but appear in print incorrectly, and in recent weeks a R3 announcer sounded very much as if he was saying 'interred' instead of 'interned' when giving some details of a musician.
Rather less serious - and probably not the result of either of the two circumstances mentioned above - was Elizabeth Alker's use(twice) of 'Imitations'(of Mortality) rather than 'Intimations' in relation to the Finzi piece played last Sunday morning.
Originally posted by oddoneout View Post'Imitations'(of Mortality) rather than 'Intimations' in relation to the Finzi piece played last Sunday morning.That's as good as 'In auditorium meum intende.'
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View PostAaaah …That's as good as 'In auditorium meum intende.'
I imagine that many such examples are the result of the brain doing clever things with what the eyes see or the ears hear - a word that doesn't initially make sense or seem familiar is converted to one that does or is. A newspaper report some years ago described the sudden appearance of 'effervescence' on the new brickwork of a commercial development, which presumably looked and sounded close enough to 'efflorescence' to fool the editor. Once the mistake has been made it can be hard to avoid repeating it, and frustrating when one has recognised the mistake but still repeats it. A childhood mistake with reading 'Shopfitters' on the side of a van as 'Shoplifters' has proved impossible to shift(most recent example typing the wrong version first just now.....)
EA's mistake did prompt some musings about what imitations of mortality might be or look like - the tactics used by prey animals to avoid being a predator's next meal perhaps?
Originally posted by gradus View PostMischeevious, Wesminister, Seckertary. Don't really mind but why?
ADversary and eLECtoral - both sound more... inwardly balanced.