Seeing Solidarnost so spelt, I thought we must have given up on the complexities of the Polish Solidarność.
But it turns out that's a transliteration from Russian, and they messed with it first:
Solidarnost (Солидарность, Russian for "Solidarity", named after the Polish Solidarność) is a Russian liberal democratic political movement...
But why didn't the Russians use the letter щ, as in Хрущёв (Khrushchev)?
But it turns out that's a transliteration from Russian, and they messed with it first:
Solidarnost (Солидарность, Russian for "Solidarity", named after the Polish Solidarność) is a Russian liberal democratic political movement...
But why didn't the Russians use the letter щ, as in Хрущёв (Khrushchev)?