Is this Cameron's Sepp Blatter moment?

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  • Chris Newman
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 2100

    Originally posted by ahinton View Post
    And the latter immediately following the former, at that; the prospect of his being Prime Ministr's appalling enought, but that of "Clarkson as a Radio 3 presenter" speculated upon by the author here is surely infinitely worse?
    Fear ye not, dear sir. 'tis our Gilly firing a warning shot across the Trust's bows. We'd have Patten spliced to the mainbrace and up the yard arm in no time. That would certainly be stretching resources! Ouch!!


    • Lateralthinking1

      Surely the point is that Cameron is virtually Clarkson. He is in No 10 already.


      • ahinton
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 16122

        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
        Surely the point is that Cameron is virtually Clarkson. He is in No 10 already.
        Whatever one may say or think about either, the fact that ther surnames each begin with a C, end in on and have a couple of other letters in common is pretty much where the comparison ends. - and, had the former publicly declared that strikers should be shot in front of their families, the latter might just be one step closer to occupying No. 10 than he is now...


        • Mr Pee
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
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          And now we have a council official, who actually took part in the strikes, saying that those who complained about Clarkson's comments should be shot:-

          Gerry Reynolds, a top council official, has caused outrage by claiming he would shoot those who complained about Jeremy Clarkson’s controversial comments that strikers should be shot.

          Watch out, Lat.......

          Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

          Mark Twain.


          • ahinton
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 16122

            Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
            And now we have a council official, who actually took part in the strikes, saying that those who complained about Clarkson's comments should be shot:-

            Gerry Reynolds, a top council official, has caused outrage by claiming he would shoot those who complained about Jeremy Clarkson’s controversial comments that strikers should be shot.

            Watch out, Lat.......

            Has no one yet publicly advocated the shooting of Clarkson himself?


            • Mr Pee
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3285

              The clip below shows Chris Patten and Mark Thompson defending Jeremy Clarkson at the Culture Media and Sport select commitee on Tuesday.

              I'm not sure who the grumpy, humourless Scottish MP is, but I think he should "calm down dear."

              The BBC director general, Mark Thompson, and the chairman of the BBC Trust, Chris Patten, have defended comments made by presenter Jeremy Clarkson about striking public sector workers.
              Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

              Mark Twain.


              • scottycelt

                Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                The clip below shows Chris Patten and Mark Thompson defending Jeremy Clarkson at the Culture Media and Sport select commitee on Tuesday.

                I'm not sure who the grumpy, humourless Scottish MP is, but I think he should "calm down dear."


                ... you should hear some of the others up there!

                However, I agree entirely ...

                I also agree with Patten when he says there is occasionally a brand of 'humour' found on both the Right and Left of the political spectrum that he doesn't share.


                • french frank
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 29930

                  Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                  The clip below shows Chris Patten and Mark Thompson defending Jeremy Clarkson at the Culture Media and Sport select commitee on Tuesday.

                  I'm not sure who the grumpy, humourless Scottish MP is, but I think he should "calm down dear."
                  It wasn't 'a defence' of Clarkson: it was an explanation of why the BBC did not intend to sack him. (FWIW - I agree with that decision: on precedent, if neither Ross nor Brand was sacked it would have been excessive to sack Clarkson).

                  Still, pity to have wasted so much of the little time available to grill the BBC bosses on this issue.
                  It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                  • Lateralthinking1

                    Two millionaires defending a third. A rare privilege indeed to hear the used car salesman speaking. I am beginning to wonder whether he was born with a rare gene. One that links his number of mouth movements to the income of the person he is defending.

                    The policy of reducing Clarkson's comments to "stupid", and placing them in the category of all stupids, is very disingenuous. Russell Grant on SCD is nicely stupid. That's a totally different thing. However, it is wholly in line with the remarks of a fourth millionaire, the PM, to whom they are kowtowing.

                    The people who decide whether something constitutes humour are the audience, not the performers or the controllers. Just ask any proper comedian wanting to earn a few bob. 2011 - the year of the Thought Police. "If we say it is humour, it is humour".

                    Supposing Clarkson had used the word "raped" instead of "shot". He would have gone by now. In the media, the idea of killing is becoming far too acceptable. Isn't the DG a Catholic? Let's have some sanctity of life please, particularly at teatime when families, who are paying for these toffs, are expecting to be entertained.
                    Last edited by Guest; 14-12-11, 16:20.


                    • Mr Pee
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 3285

                      Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                      Two millionaires defending a third. A rare privilege indeed to hear the used car salesman speaking. I am beginning to wonder whether he was born with a rare gene. One that links his number of mouth movements to the income of the person he is defending.
                      There's a used car salesman being questioned? Where? I thought they were Chris Patten and Mark Thompson, Chairman of the BBC Trust and DG respectively. Still, if one of them is a used car salesman then he's probably a fan of Top Gear.

                      Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                      The people who decide whether something constitutes humour are the audience, not the performers or the controllers. Just ask any proper comedian wanting to earn a few bob. 2011 - the year of the Thought Police. "If we say it is humour, it is humour".
                      Indeed, it is the audience who decide, and the vast majority were more than capable of seeing JC's comments as the joke they were intended to be. It was only a few humourless grumps and Trade Union officials who were fed up with their Day of Inaction- anybody remember that, other than for Clarkson's remarks?- that didn't see the joke, and then of course the usual suspects joined in, most of whom had never watched "The One Show" in their lives.

                      Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                      Supposing Clarkson had used the word "raped" instead of "shot". He would have gone by now. In the media, the idea of killing is becoming far too acceptable. Isn't the DG a Catholic? Let's have some sanctity of life please, particularly at teatime when families, who are paying for these toffs, are expecting to be entertained.
                      Well, he didn't use the word "raped" did he? And how do you come to the conclusion that the idea of killing has become acceptable? I don't think it has. If Clarkson had meant it seriously, that would be a different matter. But he didn't, as both Patten and Thompson explain, and as is made perfectly clear if -I'll say it again - you read the transcript.
                      Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                      Mark Twain.


                      • Lateralthinking1

                        Thanks. I am missing your excellent photos on the animals thread.


                        • John Skelton

                          Originally posted by french frank View Post
                          Still, pity to have wasted so much of the little time available to grill the BBC bosses on this issue.
                          Exactly . Mark Thompson must be loving it: nice bit of inane 'controversy'.


                          • Lateralthinking1

                            Thompson really is extraordinarily unimpressive, isn't he. In a more just world, he'd be selling tinsel and razor blades in Strutton Ground.


                            • teamsaint
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                              • Nov 2010
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                              one rule for the rich, one for the poor.
                              I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                              I am not a number, I am a free man.


                              • Ferretfancy
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
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                                I had an ancestor in the 1840s who lived in Strutton Ground, but I don't think he sold razor blades, in any case they hadn't been invented then.
                                I like to slip in these bits of irrelevant historical information, it improves the tone, I always say.

