Is this Cameron's Sepp Blatter moment?

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  • Lateralthinking1

    Originally posted by VodkaDilc View Post
    Those who live there would point out that Clarkson lives a good mile outside the town; and Cameron lives in Dean, which is a different place entirely (just follow the only perfectly tarmacked unclassified road in Oxfordshire and you can't miss it.)
    X marks the spot.


    • Pilchardman

      Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
      Surely you mean 'Weasels ripped my flesh"?
      It depends how dangerous your kitchen is.


      • Pilchardman

        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
        Incidentally, I have followed the news reports but chose not to view the clip.
        I have made the same choice.


        • MrGongGong
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 18357

          I'm assuming you are familiar with the album ?

          (one never knows )


          • Lateralthinking1

            So anyhow, Sam, it seems that Andy and Rebekah have gone. We can't politicise that part of the media now. Clarkson's mucked up the BBC TV infiltration with a silly remark and run off like a woman to China. Whatever shall we do?

            Hold on. I know. How about BBC radio? I'm a bit busy today what with various bits and bobs. I know he was a bit awkward on Bonfire Night but can you give Chris Evans another bell?

            From being the couple who used to eat out five nights out of seven, Tash and I have slipped into a stay-at-home world that we wouldn’t swap for anything.


            • Pilchardman

              Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
              I'm assuming you are familiar with the album ?

              (one never knows )
              I am familiar with Mr Zappa's oeuvre. (Hence the reference in my reply). My favourite is Hot Rats, though, since I by far prefer Captain Beefheart. :)


              • Mr Pee
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3285

                Originally posted by Pilchardman View Post
                I have made the same choice.
                There seem to be a lot of people commenting on this clip who haven't even watched it, which seems a little odd. Rather like having a go at Clarkson for jokey comments taken out of context when they haven't even seen the interview or read the transcript.

                Still, never let facts get in the way, eh??
                Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                Mark Twain.


                • Pilchardman

                  Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                  There seem to be a lot of people commenting on this clip who haven't even watched it
                  Except I'm not commenting on the clip. I'm commenting on the reaction to it.


                  • teamsaint
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 25293

                    Originally posted by Pilchardman View Post
                    I am familiar with Mr Zappa's oeuvre. (Hence the reference in my reply). My favourite is Hot Rats, though, since I by far prefer Captain Beefheart. :)
                    completely agree. Zappa often irritates me, but Beefheart was ace. Strange , really.
                    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                    I am not a number, I am a free man.


                    • Mr Pee
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 3285

                      Originally posted by Pilchardman View Post
                      Except I'm not commenting on the clip. I'm commenting on the reaction to it.
                      How can you comment on the reaction to the clip when you haven't seen the clip that provoked the reaction?
                      Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                      Mark Twain.


                      • Pilchardman

                        Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                        How can you comment on the reaction to the clip when you haven't seen the clip that provoked the reaction?
                        Because I've seen the reaction.


                        • scottycelt

                          Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                          Perhaps you should view the clip and then you might be in a better position to judge the issue. Believe me, it is far worse than you would think from the reports.
                          If you mean the tram incident, it is far, far worse ... apart from the obvious offence to coloured folk present, all my sympathy was for that poor little kid .. imagine growing up perched on the knee of a deranged mother like that.

                          Mentally ill, high on drugs or alcohol, it doesn't really matter. That behaviour, on the evidence of the clip, was a clear case of breach of the peace likely to cause public disorder and also possibly one of child neglect.

                          The disgusting behaviour and genuine offence caused bears absolutely no resemblance to the Clarkson case


                          • MrGongGong
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 18357

                            Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                            How can you comment on the reaction to the clip when you haven't seen the clip that provoked the reaction?
                            They probably use the same technique that you and our dear fiend Simon use when"listening" to the music of Stockhausen !

                            and yes Don really is the man for me more than Frank


                            • kernelbogey
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5880

                              Nice quote about CLarkson from George Monbiot in an article in today's Observer: "I suggest that, instead of getting into an overpowered 4x4 and ripping up the countryside, he responds to one of those emails that offers to enhance the size of his manhood."


                              • Lateralthinking1

                                Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                                If you mean the tram incident, it is far, far worse ... apart from the obvious offence to coloured folk present, all my sympathy was for that poor little kid .. imagine growing up perched on the knee of a deranged mother like that.

                                Mentally ill, high on drugs or alcohol, it doesn't really matter. That behaviour, on the evidence of the clip, was a clear case of breach of the peace likely to cause public disorder and also possibly one of child neglect.

                                The disgusting behaviour and genuine offence caused bears absolutely no resemblance to the Clarkson case
                                Mental illness is a crime then. Lovely. If the public cannot move on from the 19th Century, and in fact insists on going backwards, we regrettably need to go back to a system of homes for the mentally ill for the protection of the mentally ill from the public.

                                Let us say that this woman is prosecuted because a young white or black or gay or disabled barrister pushes it to court. I should say "scrap" the rights legislation now. All of it. For it would then be being used as a further opportunity for the very strong to hurt the very weak. That is totally unacceptable. Actually, it would be an absolute perversion of why it was introduced, rightly, in the first place. Very sadly for all, this is happening ever increasingly. One can see how it was that women had their entire lives institutionalised because a country lord got the servant pregnant and feeling uneasy declared her to be insane. Or those in poverty who turned to drink were incarcerated. Or a guy who stood at a window naked declaring himself to be Christ was locked away forever for causing intolerable offence. For it was either to there or the courts. I find the attitudes truly frightening.

                                I would think that 80% plus of non-white people would consider themselves sufficiently confident and worldly to place an episode of this kind in context. In fact, I know they would. They have dignity. Ditto other minority groups. You can bet your bottom dollar that it wouldn't be those who were genuinely hurt, if momentarily, by her outburst taking criminal action either. They would be among the country's more simplistic, probably living on the poor New Addington council estate with her, not that I condemn them for being so. No. It would be another lucrative money spinner for the vile elements of intelligentsia. The sorts who had they not gone into the law would be in private enterprise chucking out filth about niggers and hos or shoot em ups with reckless abandon.
                                Last edited by Guest; 04-12-11, 23:48.

