Originally posted by Mahlerei
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The Leveson Inquiry
Originally posted by Mahlerei View PostIt now seems that silly Hunt was warned by lawyers not to get involved in the BSkyB affair but he chose to ignore them. Gosh, this is the best soap on TV.
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostA busy week for politicians past and present at Leveson next week
Has any valued member here the slightest clue as to how many years this ridiculous and expensive farce of a thoroughly useless Inquiry is likely to last ... ?
Originally posted by scottycelt View PostHas any valued member here the slightest clue as to how many years this ridiculous and expensive farce of a thoroughly useless Inquiry is likely to last ... ?
The excellent Leveson Inquiry has some way to go, I'd say
Ask "Where's My Child?" - I mean "Call Me Dave" - he set it up
Originally posted by scottycelt View PostHas any valued member here the slightest clue as to how many years this ridiculous and expensive farce of a thoroughly useless Inquiry is likely to last ... ?
The better part of a good few, I suspect.
Anyway, look on the bright side. It won't be a complete waste of time and money if the enquiry gets a few people sacked or jailed.
Originally posted by mangerton View PostThe better part of a good few, I suspect.
Anyway, look on the bright side. It won't be a complete waste of time and money if the enquiry gets a few people sacked or jailed.
well that lovely matt cartoon seems to have disappeared *****s
let us see how long that lasts ...Last edited by aka Calum Da Jazbo; 13-06-12, 00:13.According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
yep, both spot on! thanks calum da jazbo - easy to miss..... but speak volumes, and with just a few squiggles.
i (still) can't get used to 'the torygraph''s ambivalence as regards macaroon. whereas curiously 'the times' superficially seems to excuse all sorts from the coalition. (perhaps i'm reading it upside down)? peter brooks's tedious clegg bashing cartoons, and other recurring themes...very old school, much more complexly drawn, often in glorious colour....but not really laugh out loud funny, they usually miss the mark imo. (according to my idea of comedy at least)
unlike the sheer reliability of thoroughly modern steve bell. ..........and stylistic 'traditionalist' matt respectively.the latter's andy cap style really suits the macaroon family
the portrayal of macaroon's daughter plus the cartoon punchline work together superbly! 5
(not to mention context, and the sheer irony of posts (elsewhere) about eric pickles's 'casual old school talk' re 'cracking brooms' on contemporary families eh....high time there were a few pointed cartoons of a pickle flavour made available, from the drawer marked 'laughing stock')!?