I'm aware that many of the contributors to this thread won't buy The Sunday Times out of some sort of sense of smug moral superiority, but there's a great column by Rod Liddle in it this week, which I thought I would share with you, this being the season of giving and all that tosh:-
Ah- so the News of the World did not delete messages left on Milly Dowler's mobile phone. That was just something The Guardian made up or, as those pious monkeys might put it, "misunderstood." This allegation was one of the main reasons the tabloid newspaper was closed down, with the loss of many jobs.
Another thing we've discovered from the Leveson inquiry is that The Guardian's investigations editor, Devid Leigh, also once hacked into someone's phone. But not, you understand, in pursuit of scummy tabloid "tittle-tattle",as he put it, but instead to fearlessly unmask wrongdoing among the powerful so as to hasten the dawn of a decent, inclusive society where everyone- black, white, gay, lesbian, transgendered- feels themselves to be empowered in a very real sense, or something. Right you are, mate.
This is the problem with sitting astride a relentlessy whinnying moral high horse. It doesn't half hurt when you fall off.
Another thing we've discovered from the Leveson inquiry is that The Guardian's investigations editor, Devid Leigh, also once hacked into someone's phone. But not, you understand, in pursuit of scummy tabloid "tittle-tattle",as he put it, but instead to fearlessly unmask wrongdoing among the powerful so as to hasten the dawn of a decent, inclusive society where everyone- black, white, gay, lesbian, transgendered- feels themselves to be empowered in a very real sense, or something. Right you are, mate.
This is the problem with sitting astride a relentlessy whinnying moral high horse. It doesn't half hurt when you fall off.
