The Leveson Inquiry

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  • mercia
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 8920

    I see the video of Mr McMullan's evidence still hasn't appeared on that page, I wonder if it's being scrutinised by the police


    • Anna

      Originally posted by mercia View Post
      I see the video of Mr McMullan's evidence still hasn't appeared on that page, I wonder if it's being scrutinised by the police
      Still not appeared but (for those who didn't see any of it) The Telegraph have a video clip (unfortunately it has an annoying advert at the beginning)


      • amateur51

        ACampbell has been pretty rivetting this morning. I loathed him when he was defending Bliar and the dodgy dossier but he seems to have got some distance on the issues at the heart of the Leveson Inquiry and he's had some fascinating insights to pass on


        • aeolium
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 3992

          I agree - he did make some good points. They would have had greater force coming from someone who had not bullied the BBC disgracefully and had not defended complete misinformation put out to justify a shameful positioning of foreign policy for military action against Iraq (using the same tabloid papers which he now attacks).


          • amateur51

            Originally posted by aeolium View Post
            I agree - he did make some good points. They would have had greater force coming from someone who had not bullied the BBC disgracefully and had not defended complete misinformation put out to justify a shameful positioning of foreign policy for military action against Iraq (using the same tabloid papers which he now attacks).
            I agree completely aeolium

            I thought that Nick Davies from the Guardian was very good yesterday too


            • aeolium
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3992


              ...and Paul McMullan was both revealing and hilarious!


              • Nick Armstrong
                • Nov 2010
                • 26624

                Originally posted by aeolium View Post
                I agree - he did make some good points. They would have had greater force coming from someone who had not bullied the BBC disgracefully and had not defended complete misinformation put out to justify a shameful positioning of foreign policy for military action against Iraq (using the same tabloid papers which he now attacks).
                Spot-on, aioli !
                "...the isle is full of noises,
                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                • handsomefortune

                  what a dodgey bunch!

                  yes, truelly awful memories that still make me shudder aeolium.

                  but as regards cambell as attack dog, i just hope it takes a sychophantic, hypocritical, sociopath to successfully catch one out. (a theory which we normally might excuse successful detectives in the met with)??

                  amatuer51 clearly is loving it, he's hardly been posting since it started

                  it must be a weird sensation being in the leveson thing today, possibly looking out of the window at 2 million protesters.

                  thanks for all th elinks to clips, i definitely want to watch steve coogan, if anyone knows which link specifically covers this bit? i shall then view the leveson crooks under examination, (preferably imagining them topless, smiling demurely in just their y fronts, with a caption saying 'so and so (body measurements) hobbies include cooking, lies, monopolies and stalking').

                  i hope coogan was as clear headed and plucky as he was in the interview featured upthread, with greg dyke. 'of course' greg's got a string of pasty shops now, doesn't bother with the beeb, tibloids, or our shabby coaltion....the lucky devil.

                  i do love the point coogan made against tabloid hacks, them pretending that they can do anything they like, because so and so was/is 'courting the press''s unbelievably disgusting, as excuses go. i have rarely believed in its worth, even in the case of the most revoltingly self obssessed celeb....(of which there are masses to choose from, and it's not always easy to sympathise as such).

                  (using the same tabloid papers which he now attacks). yes, the hypocrisy is well worth noting. simultaneously, whilst it's not perfect ....but essentially who cares if it gets ni out of journalism and media, and for good? (fingers (over) optimistically crossed). after which, cambell & friends could always be placed in a large dustbin, and the lid bolted on. or, their own hypocrisy exposed later in the media, to the point of them having to hide, (as happens to 'vagrant tramp' bliar, in armando ianucci's 'time trumpet'). afterall, sometimes fiction CAN become reality. ultimately, it's just positive, good, healthIER that it's all under examination - finally.


                  • Anna

                    Haven't been able to look today until this moment, but just now, Mark Lewis, bit of Jarndyce & Jarndyce [sic], and fees I think. Will have to catch up on this aspect.


                    • Nick Armstrong
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 26624

                      Originally posted by handsomefortune View Post
                      i definitely want to watch steve coogan, if anyone knows which link specifically covers this bit?
                      Feast yer peepers on this, handsome!
                      "...the isle is full of noises,
                      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                      • handsomefortune

                        thank you caliban,

                        is it normal for the likes of mr leveson to 'lead' in spoken delivery style, by using so many


                        pauses ........and stutterings?

                        hugh grant didn't suffer as badly, but i am slightly annoyed that people volunteering the further examination of their private lives, and on behalf of all people in the public eye, just occasionally seem to be judged on the 10 commandments .... ? why not get the priest in!

                        imv personal info this far, has nothing to do with phone hacking, media monopolies, and the sorry state of institutions, to possibly include, police, hospitals and the press complaints commision, as well as more familiar negative aspects of journalism, and uk law.


                        • Nick Armstrong
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 26624

                          Originally posted by handsomefortune View Post
                          is it normal for the likes of mr leveson to 'lead' in spoken delivery style, by using so many


                          pauses ........and stutterings?

                          Or "Lord Justice Leveson" (Leveson LJ) to give him his full title. Some judges i.e. ex barristers, have a mannered style like that where the




                          allow them to keep


                          attention while they're...


                          Last edited by Nick Armstrong; 30-11-11, 21:19. Reason: I demoted His Lordship :yikes:
                          "...the isle is full of noises,
                          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38172

                            A vicar I recall used to preach the most boring sermons imaginable. Whenever he noticed people nodding off, he would the middle of what he was....................... saying. This had the immediate effect of waking up all the sleepers - remarkable. He would then continue droning on. Possibly Leveson was a disciple of his.


                            • Mr Pee
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 3285

                              I've just watched the first few minutes of Steve Coogans's appearance ( 98 minutes???), and I must say I found it very dissapointing. The least he could have done was walk in wearing a blazer and tie combination, turn to the room, and say

                              "Ah- Haaaa!"

                              That would have livened things up a bit. It's deathly dull most of the time........
                              Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                              Mark Twain.


                              • handsomefortune

                                justice leveson sounds like he's stalling for time, while he makes stuff up - people could be forgiven for thinking he needs cross examination too.

                                (it's (presumably)? because the justice is worried about his own language, in case it affects later stages of the examination).

                                besides all sorts of extravagant court formalities duely performed, i noticed no apology from the justice's side kick, for giving hugh grant the wrong page number at one point. (and his 'pageitation' was worthy of a george bushism)!

                                still, it's all very fascinating ...and i'd like to see the mcmullen examination. despite his shambling presentation style, mcm's just joshing. he's that unquantifiable but shrewd cockney type, who most might avoid in real life, because he's nosey, pushy, and got high tension problems, and probably bad taste.... minus tension, mcm's probably quite boring and conservative. oh the luxury of extensive speculation, after watching all that tedious evidence!!! let's hope it all comes to some good!

                                steve coogan only disappointed in that he didn't give us a song, or a joke at any point... there just wasn't time....although he could have filled in, in the justice's longer pauses i suppose....with a one liner...or two!

                                Possibly Leveson was a disciple of his. and john cage trained the vicar back in 1952!!

