Steve Coogan is to appear on Question Time tonight ... with Mail journalist Ann Leslie. I remember when he laid into Paul McMull. Anyone know the running order for today's hearing? Has Paul Dacre been on yet?
The Leveson Inquiry
Originally posted by Anna View PostSteve Coogan is to appear on Question Time tonight ... with Mail journalist Ann Leslie. I remember when he laid into Paul McMull. Anyone know the running order for today's hearing? Has Paul Dacre been on yet?
The running order is available on the Leveson website, Anna - Dacre is last on the list - don't know what that means in practice.
i am struck by how thick and awful the power holders like Sir C or baroness B are and yet how intelligent focused and straightforward the evidence given, and in a word performance, of Helen Belcher, and Messrs Moy and Moore .... if only such bright younger characters were running things and had more power .... the current crop of fifty somethings is deeply disappointingAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Ooh, managed to catch the very tetchy Dacre/Sherbourne exchange! Will The Mail now sue Mr. Grant for slander? So very interesting, but gap for 2 weeks as it's half-term it seems. Agree with Calum about Moy & Moore, PCC certainly being revealed as totally ineffectual and useless. Interesting Dacre's claim about Mail Online being most popular website in the world last week, other papers picked up on this and put it down to their screaming headline that "Research shows - Right wing conservaties are more stupid than Left Wingers" which evidently got massive hits and comments!
that Sherbourne Dacre session was magic .... Sherbourne was being criticised in the Graun for not getting to the point ..... but i thought he was delighting in a] taking Dacre round the houses with long winded impertinent questions and b] telling Dacre to shut up and answer the question .... it was bear baiting of high style he really got the purple juices of rage flowing in Dacre, doubt that he has faced that much impertinence in total in the last twenty years .... eventually Sherbourne got him when Dacre refused to recant on the mendacious smears story and said never unless Grant admitted lying and Sherbourne just said ta Dacre you have made the culture of the press very clear ... oh what larks were had ...According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Yes, the exchange was, about withdrawing, he would if Grant would:
Sherborne asks again. Dacre responds similarly.
"I think that tells us something about the culture, ethics and practices of the press," says Mr Sherborne, snippily".(Thanks to DT for quote)
Originally posted by Anna View PostSteve Coogan is to appear on Question Time tonight ... with Mail journalist Ann Leslie
A few years later I was talking to her at a party and she was (as usual) desperate for a fag. As we were on the first floor of a building, I managed to open a casement window so she could sneak out on to the balcony. A few minutes later a worried security guard appeared: I had managed to set off the alarm downstairs. We had a good laugh about that!
Originally posted by rubbernecker View PostOh, good. I hope AL manages to slap him down. She is one of all-time heroines. I remember when Princess Diana died, AL was being interviewed and was asked whether the press had effectively hounded Diana to death. She replied: "People are ashamed of their own prurience and blame the newspapers for letting them indulge it". I've always admired that
Can you really justify that this is entertainment and should be included in newspapers? I think not.
Originally posted by Anna View PostBut, rubbers, the fact is, we should not let our prurience get in the way. Surely, we should let people lead their lives and not be agog for revelations about their personal lives. Surely that makes us, for living vicariously and getting thrills and spills through so called Celebs, no better than those who went and gawped and laughed at Bedlam?
Originally posted by rubbernecker View PostThis was exactly AL's point. We are all guilty to some degree. Even some of the high-minded souls who frequent these boards, I would venture...
Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Posti am struck by how thick and awful the power holders like Sir C or baroness B are
Self-regulation?Yeah, right!
he is a monster of the first order .... i watched him with complete fascination; as a long time student of personality i find that he is engrossing and frightening - he was spitting some words, the tone and pitch changes in his voice signalled a huge rage and passion ...... i do not believe that any one has done to him what Sherborne has subjected him to this afternoon, i doubt he will react at all well to this experience ..... i think it took him immense self control not to go into a full blown rage and my guess is that he feels very dirtied, defiled, by the session....According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Posthe is a monster of the first order ......
"a liar, a humbug, a hypocrite, a vagabond, a loathsome spotted reptile and a self-confessed chicken strangler. You may choose, if you wish, to believe the transparent tissue of odious lies which streamed on and on from his disgusting, greedy, slavering lips."