If I won the EuroMillions Rollover jackpot, I would.....

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  • teamsaint
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 25293

    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
    Upon my birth, my parents bought two Premium Bonds for me. At the age if 14, one of them won be £25 - a lot of money in 1960. With that £25 they invested in 25 new premium Bonds. I never won anything again, ever.
    and that's how it works !! Bingo.

    (which come to think of it is more fun and offers better winning chances!!)
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

    I am not a number, I am a free man.


    • Mary Chambers
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 1963

      Originally posted by salymap View Post
      I don't go in for EuroMillion or anything else because I would not expect to win and won't waste what I have.

      Off topic, has anyone else held Premium Bonds since their inception, but hardly won a bean.
      I have, and have won small amounts but never anything big. My elder son, on the other hand, bought himself a couple of thousand and won £10,000 almost at once! This was perhaps fifteen years ago, and he has won nothing since, not even £25.

      I hang onto them, and live in hope. If I were to win a huge amount on some lottery (which I won't, because I don't do them), I'd buy myself a good house in London - that would use up a lot! - make sure my grandson could go to a really good school (move to an area with excellent state schools, or pay fees if necessary), then provide music scholarships for people with talent but no money. I've always dreamt of doing that. I'd give a lot to the Britten-Pears Foundation. I might go for a house in Norfolk or Suffolk as well, but then I'd need a chauffeur.


      • MrGongGong
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 18357

        IF you really do want to increase your chances of winning and winning a significant amount there are two logical ways to do this

        1: Buy your ticket as late as possible , avoid crossing any roads on the way to the shops or better still get someone else to do it for you. You are much more likely to be killed in a RTA or die on the way.

        2: Choose consecutive numbers over 31, people are stupidly superstitious, they choose birthdays, they think that in a RANDOM sequence of numbers the numbers 31,32,33,34 are less likely than 1,28,32,13 when they have an equal chance. So in order to be the only person with the winning numbers choose ones in sequence

        my technique has been to NEVER buy a ticket and work on several lottery funded projects. Never bought a ticket but I bought a house !!!


        • Anna

          I have thought about this but the concept of owning that amount of money is almost impossible to comprehend.

          I’m not one for flashy cars although I have always wanted an Alfa Romeo Spider think: 'Mrs Robinson, you're trying to seduce me' if you don’t know the model I mean. Nor do yachts appeal but the project I would elect to spend money on is a local one. Briefly, our old cottage hospital is empty, boarded up and due for redevelopment for housing (if, when, the financial market improves) A local consortium of doctors and business men tendered for it to become a hospice but their bid didn’t succeed, so that’s what I would, not for profit but for the local community, to save people having to go miles away from their families for care whilst dying. And the grounds are crying out to be landscaped.

          It would be nice to have holidays as and when if owning a coastal property as I love the sea (but it would be somewhere wild and windswept, maybe Scotland if not Wales) but what I’d really love to do is buy a small farm locally and a herd of goats and go into cheese making. I think Anglo Nubians for choice as they are so beautiful and also good for meat production but commercial logic probably says Saanans for continual yield. Yes, I’d be happy half way up the hill being an Artisan with enough money to keep warm, tend the goats, make wonderful cheese, but have the ability to go to The Proms and stay in a swanky hotel and patronise some swish eateries once in a while.


          • ahinton
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 16123

            Originally posted by Anna View Post
            I have thought about this but the concept of owning that amount of money is almost impossible to comprehend.

            I’m not one for flashy cars although I have always wanted an Alfa Romeo Spider think: 'Mrs Robinson, you're trying to seduce me' if you don’t know the model I mean. Nor do yachts appeal but the project I would elect to spend money on is a local one. Briefly, our old cottage hospital is empty, boarded up and due for redevelopment for housing (if, when, the financial market improves) A local consortium of doctors and business men tendered for it to become a hospice but their bid didn’t succeed, so that’s what I would, not for profit but for the local community, to save people having to go miles away from their families for care whilst dying. And the grounds are crying out to be landscaped.

            It would be nice to have holidays as and when if owning a coastal property as I love the sea (but it would be somewhere wild and windswept, maybe Scotland if not Wales) but what I’d really love to do is buy a small farm locally and a herd of goats and go into cheese making. I think Anglo Nubians for choice as they are so beautiful and also good for meat production but commercial logic probably says Saanans for continual yield. Yes, I’d be happy half way up the hill being an Artisan with enough money to keep warm, tend the goats, make wonderful cheese, but have the ability to go to The Proms and stay in a swanky hotel and patronise some swish eateries once in a while.
            Your hospice plan is admirable, but a herd of goats for cheesemaking? Not for me! I absolutely cannot abide goat's cheese (and here's me, planning to move to rural France where not eating goat's cheese and not having at least two dogs remain crimes punishable with life imprisonment at the very least! - and, since I don't want any dogs either, I do realise that I'm about to take on an immense risk). But, having said all that, I'm frankly astonished that you'd not allocate a substantial proportion of your winnings as a first priority to ensuring that the Ladies of Powys annexe Herefordistan and return it to its rightful place as a district of east Wales! After all - Wye not?? And why do it in Monnow if you could do it in stereo?!


            • Pianorak
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3129

              I'd buy the Wigmore Hall and engage pianists to play there 365 days a year. Yes, including Christmas Day!
              My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


              • Segilla
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 136

                I heard a radio programme about a year ago which related tales of Lottery winners. Some unhappy people there, but the most contented was a man who had given it all away.
                Long before that, I'd decided that I'd put the overwhelming majority of a win in a charitable Trust, then I would play god for the benefit of my favourite projects.

                People say that big wins encourage sackfuls of begging letters so I'd announce that anybody who asked for money would definitely not get any.

                To be honest, I don't do the Lottery, instead, monthly I look forward to a £1M Premium Bond win - but that has eluded me for the past 50+ years.

                The occasional measly £25 win is my usual lot but I never see that as it's automatically re-invested.


                • MrGongGong
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 18357

                  One thing I would do is to make sure that there are enough high speed bumps
                  to stop idiots in sports cars from terrorising the countryside


                  • Mr Pee
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 3285

                    Originally posted by Segilla View Post
                    I heard a radio programme about a year ago which related tales of Lottery winners. Some unhappy people there, but the most contented was a man who had given it all away.
                    Well, the most contented of those who spoke to the programme, or the most contented that the producers chose to feature. And some were unhappy, perhaps- but a lot more were happy, I'll wager. It's the received wisdom that money doesn't buy happiness, mainly, I think, to make the envious who don't have it feel better about their dismal little lives.

                    And if it doesn't buy you happiness, at least you can be miserable in comfort.

                    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                    Mark Twain.

