If I won the EuroMillions Rollover jackpot, I would.....

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  • ahinton
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 16123

    ...be suitably amazed on account of not having purchased a ticket...


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      Originally posted by ahinton View Post
      ...be suitably amazed on account of not having purchased a ticket...
      Or find it was left in a pocket of something that you washed and was completely unreadable.


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38172

        I'm dead against these lotteries, which (a) are an effective tax on the poorest sectors of society, which spend proportionately the most on those damned tickets; and (b) create the unethical impression that everyone buying that ticket has a chance of winning something totally out of proportion to anything good they are likely to have done for society in comparison with any other person. No one should be a millionaire in the first place, but if by some unlikely circumstance I were to come by such a sum I would probably spend it on a kitchen makeover, two beds, new lino for the bathroom floor and a car, then the rest I'd divide between Cancer Research, Save the Children, and the Woodland Trust.


        • scottycelt

          I'd plough it all back into the kitty to prop up the Euro, and really annoy the Eurosceptics ...


          • Osborn

            I'd give all of it to Daniel Barenboim with no strings attached. I would trust him to use it well & I would get immense satisfaction from knowing that I had at last done something worthwhile. I'm being serious.


            • Mr Pee
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3285

              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
              I'm dead against these lotteries, which (a) are an effective tax on the poorest sectors of society, which spend proportionately the most on those damned tickets; and (b) create the unethical impression that everyone buying that ticket has a chance of winning something totally out of proportion to anything good they are likely to have done for society in comparison with any other person. No one should be a millionaire in the first place, but if by some unlikely circumstance I were to come by such a sum I would probably spend it on a kitchen makeover, two beds, new lino for the bathroom floor and a car, then the rest I'd divide between Cancer Research, Save the Children, and the Woodland Trust.
              I wondered how long it would be before some killjoy came along.

              Why shouldn't anyone be a millionaire in the first place? What's wrong with that?It gives us something to aspire to, doesn't it, rather than simply resigning oneself to a life of mediocrity. Good luck to them. And I hope one day to join their ranks. If my wealth came by a lottery win, that would be just lovely. And I'd spend the money on a large house with a dedicated Hi-Fi/Home cinema room, preferably on a private island. I'd also invest in a Formula One team, become a major donor to the ROH so that I could go there as often as I wanted, and buy a Ferrari 430 Italia to pootle about in.

              That would do for starters.
              Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

              Mark Twain.


              • Chris Newman
                Late Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 2100

                I would start a new record label beginning with Ed Gardner recording the complete orchestral and choral works of Edward Elgar and Michael Tippett particularly the operas, preferably with the Philharmonia Orchestra and Jiří Bělohlávek recording the complete operas of Leoš Janáček and Bohuslav Martinů with the BBCSO because at present it is in such good shape and deserves to be recorded.

                Seeing that there will be so much leftover I would ensure that my local schools have decent music departments and maybe buy myself an Morgan car.


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 38172

                  Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                  I wondered how long it would be before some killjoy came along.

                  Why shouldn't anyone be a millionaire in the first place? What's wrong with that?It gives us something to aspire to, doesn't it, rather than simply resigning oneself to a life of mediocrity.
                  It may give YOU something to aspire to - include me out of the US part of it; that part's an illusion, and I don't consider living frugally to be a life of mediocrity. Buddhists are more contented living that way than materialistically, their practice puts them more closely in touch with the genuinely important fulfilling things in life. It all depends on how you choose to define mediocrity. Wise up, brother, you have a long way to fall - we'll all soon be in the same boat unless we've had the luck to win on one of these lotteries, or just awarded ourselves a large banker's pay rise.


                  • DracoM
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 13026

                    I'd offer RW a mill to quit.


                    • Eine Alpensinfonie
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20585

                      What? Only a million?


                      • decantor
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 521

                        Most of all, I need staff - a butler, a secretary, a housekeeper, a cook, a chauffeur...... and probably two or three of each so that one is always available. In that way, I'd be doing my bit to counter unemployment. Then two homes - one right where I am now, and the other in south Cornwall (Fowey, perhaps) - both with helipads in case I need to move in a hurry. In time, I'd scout for a little place in the Inverewe area of Scotland. (I can't stand too much hot sun.)

                        With all that in place, I could set about the main business - endowing the music departments of some needy cathedrals. That would be the greatest satisfaction, the legacy bid. Each to his own musical taste, eh?

                        A pity that I might also have to squander some funds on countering the idealistic left-liberal, urban-myth, deep-green activities of some of my fellow lottery winners.


                        • teamsaint
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 25293

                          Originally posted by decantor View Post
                          Most of all, I need staff - a butler, a secretary, a housekeeper, a cook, a chauffeur...... and probably two or three of each so that one is always available. In that way, I'd be doing my bit to counter unemployment. Then two homes - one right where I am now, and the other in south Cornwall (Fowey, perhaps) - both with helipads in case I need to move in a hurry. In time, I'd scout for a little place in the Inverewe area of Scotland. (I can't stand too much hot sun.)

                          With all that in place, I could set about the main business - endowing the music departments of some needy cathedrals. That would be the greatest satisfaction, the legacy bid. Each to his own musical taste, eh?

                          A pity that I might also have to squander some funds on countering the idealistic left-liberal, urban-myth, deep-green activities of some of my fellow lottery winners.
                          would be awful wouldn't it?...........you win the lottery and there are STILL people who have different views from you !!
                          I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                          I am not a number, I am a free man.


                          • MrGongGong
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 18357

                            Buy a shiny car and then, at last, I might be taken seriously ?

                            what would happen, mrP if the ROH decided to do "Le Grande Macabre" as they had planned years ago ?
                            or even a performance of Roaratorio ????


                            • Mr Pee
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 3285

                              Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                              Buy a shiny car and then, at last, I might be taken seriously ?

                              what would happen, mrP if the ROH decided to do "Le Grande Macabre" as they had planned years ago ?
                              or even a performance of Roaratorio ????

                              Be taken seriously because I have a shiny car? What on earth are you on about? I would like to drive a 430 Italia because it is a beautiful piece of design, a delight to drive, and an example of engineering excellence. I couldn't give a fig whether people take me seriously in it, least of all the likes of you.

                              As for the ROH presenting Ligeti and other such nonsense, it's quite simple. I just wouldn't go. I'd be off on my private yacht instead, listening to Wagner on my state of the art Hi- Fi system, whilst being served vintage champagne by comely wenches.

                              No contest!!
                              Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                              Mark Twain.


                              • jayne lee wilson
                                • Jul 2011
                                • 10711

                                Amazing the lengths some guys will go to for glamour girls... you and Mr. Assange will get on VERY well.

                                Don't know what I'd do with £xxx... wait for the sun (small "s" - big "S" is a big zero here in Liverpool) to come out and bake myself in the conservatory without worrying about money for once.

                                Until I started worrying about what to do with it.
                                Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                                As the leader of Wikileaks may be in Sweden for a while, I would feel a moral duty to bring in Wikileaks II.

                                Secondly, my new tabloid newspaper. This will have a distinctly radical, anti-capitalist, agenda but lack some of the usual scruples of that ilk. In other words, it will be written in Sun speak and have page 3 women, celebrity nonsense, easy competitions and tons of football. The aim would be to get the biggest daily readership.

                                Thirdly, a company to manufacture a series of conveyer belts with affixed seats to be built between the roads and pavements of major cities. These would move at 10mph and stop for 90 seconds every 7 minutes.

