Am I the only person to be a leetle bit baffled by the current consensus that the move by the Royal Family to give first-born girls equal precedence to first-born boys when it comes to inheriting the throne is an obviously good idea? By which, I don't - of course - mean that girls shdn't have equal chances at everything. It's more - what seems to me glaring, but seems missed by most commentators - why on earth do we think that - if we are keen on equality - there shd be an absolute prejudice in favour of primogeniture? Why does equality matter when it comes to boy/girl (quite right; I agree) - but not when it comes to whether the accident of being born first / second / third arises?
I must check up on the old legal meaning of Borough English - where the youngest son inherited...
(I write, obviously, as a youngest son... )
I must check up on the old legal meaning of Borough English - where the youngest son inherited...
(I write, obviously, as a youngest son... )