Barry Feinstein

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  • johncorrigan
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 10506

    Barry Feinstein

    I see that Barry Feinstein has died. I saw an exhibition of his photos in the National Portrait Gallery a couple of years back of Dylan's UK tour in the mid 60s; the St Austel Ferry, with kids in Liverpool, street scenes in Edinburgh. He also did the photos for some great LP covers - Pearl; All things Must Pass; Times they are a changin'.
    Photographer behind striking album covers for Bob Dylan, George Harrison and Janis Joplin

  • Lateralthinking1

    I am not too sure about his album covers. The George Harrison one is ok although GH was in some respects more serious. Of the Dylan covers I always preferred and really, really liked Hunstein's one for The Freewheelin' -

    His photographs were great though. I do love colour in paintings but black and white photography still generally rules for me in terms of portraying humanity and atmosphere. It is also more tastefully stylish. He was possibly one of the few who took aspects of Cartier-Bresson and Doisneau etc into what was then the modern era.

    And, as it was, design in the early 60s was just streets ahead of the current load of old tat - rubbish post-1970s houses, sportswear, vehicles, paving, you name it. Love the cars etc from those times and the juxtaposition of the new and architecturally old.

    Maybe this thread deserves to be placed in the arts section JC? Just a thought.
    Last edited by Guest; 26-10-11, 23:56.


    • johncorrigan
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 10506

      It's really the old photos I love Lat.

      Have you seen this toob made by Chris Hockenhull, with an interview with Barry included, where he tries to bring the Liverpool kids back together?

      Excellent stuff!

      ....and it probably is in the wrong section Lat...I'm always getting the etiquette back to front.


      • Mandryka

        I was aware that he'd died, but didn't post a thread: didn't think there'd be sufficient interest. Delighted to see I was wrong! :)

        B.F. was a great rock photographer and, apparently, a nice guy - George Harrison thanks him for his co-operation in the ATMP reissue notes.


        • johncorrigan
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 10506

          I like the youthful humour in this one of Bob coming out of a Sheffield Bookies, Mandryka.

          Those UK photos really give a great sense of the time - they look like they're really enjoying themselves.


          • Mandryka

            Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
            I like the youthful humour in this one of Bob coming out of a Sheffield Bookies, Mandryka.

            Those UK photos really give a great sense of the time - they look like they're really enjoying themselves.
            Indeed, John. I loved that docu where they reunited the kids from the shoot - Feinstein was adamant that the kids had no idea who Dylan was.

            The Daniel Kramer and Barry Feinstein eras of Dylan photography seem to blend together seamlessly: 1965 was Kramer's big year, 1966 was Feinstein's.


            • Paul Sherratt

              Only just spotted this, JC.
              Thanks so much.
              Loads of fine, evocative images here :
              Barry Feinstein has taken photos of a wide variety of subjects over the years. His photography career started in the '50s, taking pictures o...


              • johncorrigan
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 10506

                Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post
                Only just spotted this, JC.
                Thanks so much.
                Loads of fine, evocative images here :
                Thanks for that one Paul - some terrific images. There's lots to be said about great photos in black and white.

