Guedaffi: Dead

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  • John Skelton

    Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
    Interesting to see countries like the Czech Republic and Bulgaria on the list. I wonder if they make them, or simply act as a middleman. There are some arms manufacturers in some countries which never sell to hostile countries. Solution! Sell to a friendly country and let that country's dealers sell them on.
    The Czechs certainly do - they have a long 'tradition' of arms & equipment manufacture (remember Semtex?)


    • scottycelt

      Gaddafi may have been a brutal dictator but even brutal dictators should be treated in a civilised manner and brought to proper trial. It is pretty obvious that he was beaten and shot to death by a screaming mob, many who videoed the whole horrific event.

      Such atrocities happen in war situations so that, sadly, comes as no great surprise. What I find truly disheartening is the celebratory reaction of some senior Western politicians concerning this ghastly event.

      In particular, Hillary Clinton's behaviour on hearing the news was like a schoolgirl receiving a text on her mobile telling her that she had just been invited out on a date. Obama's response to Bin Laden's demise wasn't much better, being almost Bush-like in delivery.

      Cameron immediately made political capital out of the Gaddafi killing and somehow managed to make President Sarkozy appear admirably statesmanlike in comparison. Why does this guy always have to appear in front of the cameras every time something happens? He's even worse than Gordon ...

      I still cannot see how Libya, riven by historic tribalism and widely controlled by local militias, is suddenly going to become a 'democracy' ... sadly, I fear a full-scale civil war is much more likely.

      I fervently hope that this is ultimately proved to be overly pessimistic ...


      • kernelbogey
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
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        • BBMmk2
          Late Member
          • Nov 2010
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          Yes, indeed kernelbogey!! Oil speaks louder than words!

          I agree with the UN though. Their sdtatement saying rather disturbing. I know he was brutal, and the rebels shouldnt have treated him that way, but who coul;d blame them?
          Don’t cry for me
          I go where music was born

          J S Bach 1685-1750

