Let's do away with so-called democracy

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  • Lateralthinking1
    • Mar 2025

    Let's do away with so-called democracy

    Is there anyone who thinks that the major parties have done a better job in the past 30 odd years than the Queen would have done? Had the Royal Family been in charge, ordinary people would be better off.

    Try to prove me wrong as I change the political viewpoint I have held through my lifetime. I am about to ditch any remaining beliefs I ever had in democracy and it feels both evidence based and entirely rational.

    (Everyone knows it is true - they just can't bring themselves to accept it)
    Last edited by Guest; 16-10-11, 13:57.
  • Stunsworth
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1553

    Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
    Is there anyone who thinks that the major parties have done a better job in the past 30 odd years than the Queen would have done?
    Since she hasn't been in charge we are not in a position to know. As a family they don't seem very bright, so I doubt that it would have been anything other than a disaster.


    • Richard Tarleton

      Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
      Is there anyone who thinks that the major parties have done a better job in the past 30 odd years than the Queen would have done? Had the Royal Family been in charge, ordinary people would be better off.

      Try to prove me wrong as I change the political viewpoint I have held through my lifetime. I am about to ditch any remaining beliefs I ever had in democracy and it feels both evidence based and entirely rational.
      Lat, I don't suppose you intend this to be taken too seriously, but heredity is the shakiest of grounds on which to base entitlement to rule, and in the last 400 years in this country alone has thrown up some distinctly dodgy characters who would have been disastrous had there not been a Parliament to hold them in check (or throw them out, or cut their heads off). Even if you accept it as a principle it breaks down when people's parents are not who you think they are. The Queen is descended from a very minor German princess (Princess Victoire of Saxe-Coburg) and, very probably, her private secretary Sir John Conroy, and certainly not from George lll's son Edward Duke of Kent. The current Jacobite claimant probably has more claim to the throne than any of the present lot. And when the Queen is no longer with us (heaven forfend) - do you consider her son an acceptable alternative to democracy ?


      • teamsaint
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 25293

        lets do away with this sham democracy. The one where our so called representatives simply bow to the whims of the vested interests of big money, and allow a tiny minority to live well on the labours of the many.

        The tiny minority includes the queen and her hangers on, so , on balance, a terrible idea.

        I would put the Oysterband and Billy Bragg in charge, no questions asked, for one year, and then have a parliament elected by lottery after that time.

        Agenda for uk , for Bill and the Oysters to follow.

        immediate suspension of all bank executives, to be replace by govt appointees.

        90 % tax on all income over £150k per person.

        5 m houses to be built in the next 5 years.

        Swingeing taxes on property other than main residence, with exemptions for rooms/house rented out at a rate of £40 per room or less.

        abolish uni fees, and force unis to test blind.

        NHS to be properly reformed, all markets abolished, and doctors pay limited to £80k.

        Basic state income of £10k per adult person,(and most benefits and tax reliefs scrapped) abolish income tax, taxes to be raised on financial transactions and spending.

        Lottery prizes to be capped at £500k and monsy spent on new sustainable business.

        All ex ministers to be sent to work in supermarket warehouses for 5 years .

        and some other things i haven't thought of, or that are not top priority like capping footballers wages, and maximum 35 hour week.

        Royalty and all peerages to be scrapped, also.
        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

        I am not a number, I am a free man.


        • amateur51

          Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View Post
          do you consider her son an acceptable alternative to democracy ?
          He is after all our most influential private lobbyist, it seems


          • MrGongGong
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 18357

            I think you have to decide what you mean by "democracy"
            Whether what most people want is what is done (so goodbye to many things that people in here hold dear !)
            That we choose people who are most able (which we don't seem to be able to do !)

            we do , at present (and we have had before !) a government that has no real mandate to do what it is doing which seems terribly anti-democratic to me

            on the other hand I'd hate to have really important things decided by what "most people want" because that would get us public executions, xenophobic bigotry and no funding of music whatsoever

            we don't use "democracy" for really important things, I'd be very worried if a surgeon woke me up during an operation to ask for my casting vote !

            if there's no-one who broadly represents what you believe in what do you do ? is the position that many of us now find ourselves in

            actually forget the queen what we really need is a co-ilition of Joanna Lumley, Michael Palin and Billy Bragg


            • Lateralthinking1

              Yes. Great answers. Thanks.

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              • MrGongGong
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 18357

                no Doh ?


                • Lateralthinking1

                  Oh yes we have -


                  • Lateralthinking1

                    Or if you want one with a hand on its head -


                    • MrGongGong
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 18357

                      Lets hope with nonsense like this
                      Backbench MPs have agreed to stage a debate later this month on whether or not there should be a referendum on UK membership of the EU.

                      we don't have "democracy"
                      surely there should be an intelligence test before people are allowed to vote ? (which I might fail )
                      or we allow people with PHds (which I also haven't got ) 2 votes


                      • Lateralthinking1

                        No we don't have a proper democracy. I want to vote for the Cornish Nationalists at the next election but there aren't any candidates in Surrey.


                        • aeolium
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 3992

                          surely there should be an intelligence test before people are allowed to vote ?
                          There isn't one required for people to stand for election, which you'd think might be more important.

                          or we allow people with PHds (which I also haven't got ) 2 votes
                          You mean people like this?


                          • MrGongGong
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 18357

                            I wouldn't say he is typical
                            maybe we should make Grade 5 theory a basic requirement


                            • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                              Late member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 9173

                              i follow the Russian experiment with 'managed democracy' with interest ...

                              we do not have a democracy in the uk, we have a royalist elective dictatorship ....

                              alas old Winston is still right i think in his view that democracy is the worst form of government unless you have tried all the alternatives ...

                              my issue is not with democracy or government as such though i am pretty much alongside teamsaint, but with gangsters and gangsterism [violent or not] self interested groups manipulating and exploiting the mass of people for their own gain .... and just because we have a soft gangsterism in the uk does not make it acceptable to me ... i believe gangsterism to be a primordial social form throughout human history and our great challenge is to minimise its power over our lives ...[btw any one see the excellent Il Diva about Andreotti on BBC4 - still on iPlayer, a must see]
                              According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.

