Tally-ho, it's a Fox hunt

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  • Lateralthinking1

    If he is gay, he got married to maximise his leadership chances. If he is bisexual, he clearly can't commit to one side or the other for any period of time, in which case marriage looks inappropriate, ie poor judgement. If he is straight, and yet having an affair with Werritty, it is an abuse of power. He does things "just because he can". If he is straight and not having an affair with Werritty, he is behaving unusually to the point of weirdness. None of these options suggest soundness in any sense and that is before the financial aspects are even considered. Apparently he rules the world. It was just that no one knew it.

    Let us not forget that he could easily have been Prime Minister. I wouldn't have sufficient trust in him to want him to be my doctor. The Rev Richard Coles, a broadcaster and a very high profile gay figure, is in a long-term relationship and celibate. A celibate relationship wouldn't be for most people but that does help to show Fox as someone who has romance of a different kind. That is, he appears to live in a world of fiction to rival that of Jeffery Archer. He is also still the Secretary of State of Defence so for some reason he has some hold too on Cameron. Very alarming and so typical of this country now.


    • aeolium
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3992

      Surely the matter of Fox's sexuality is utterly irrelevant to the issue of Werritty's presence as his apparent aide and advisor at official meetings with representatives of other governments - and some of those representatives have made it clear that that was exactly how they saw Werritty's role. Apart from the security risk since he appears not to have been security checked, Werritty may have been freeloading for the purpose of obtaining lucrative defence contracts, possibly on behalf of his shadowy backers. There is presumably nothing to stop Werritty going off and working for other foreign governments with his inside information.

      The whole thing is a shambolic breach of the ministerial code, and I would be amazed if Fox is able to keep his job even till the end of the month.


      • aka Calum Da Jazbo
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 9173

        while i quite agree that the preference issue is not an issue, the lying is, and the pretence .... not in such a position i would have thought ...

        look how Louise Mensch defused the pictures of her .... when young etc and sorry if you had to watch me dance ... as noted Laws fiddled the allowances, with Hague i thought it unfair .... maybe they were just saving dosh, why can not two chaps share a bedroom .... or is that what the problem was with the England Rugby Team?

        and i too am curious about batting for Darrington ....
        According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


        • Anna

          Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Post
          and i too am curious about batting for Darrington ....
          I think it's an expression used on The Archers, Darrington being the next village from Ambridge, hence a variation of batting for the other side


          • Tapiola
            Full Member
            • Jan 2011
            • 1688

            There's a film in all of this.


            • mercia
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 8920

              Darrington being the next village from Ambridge
              how embarrassing to know that


              • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 9173

                While studying medicine at Glasgow University in the early 1980s, Fox resigned his position on the university's Students Representative Council (SRC) in protest at the council passing a motion condemning the decision of the university's Glasgow University Union (GUU) not to allow a gay students society to join the union. The SRC motion called both the union's decision and the explanations given for it "bigoted". The GUU maintained its stance regardless and the controversy was reported in the national media while leading to many other university student unions up and down the country, including Edinburgh, cutting ties with their Glasgow counterparts. Explaining his decision to resign from the SRC and support the GUU's position, Fox was quoted as saying "I'm actually quite liberal when it comes to sexual matters. I just don't want the gays flaunting it in front of me, which is what they would do." When asked about the controversy in 2008, Fox remarked that "fortunately most of us have progressed from the days when we were students more than a quarter of a century ago".[4]
                wicki eh ...
                According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                • Nick Armstrong
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 26467

                  Originally posted by Anna View Post
                  I think it's an expression used on The Archers, Darrington being the next village from Ambridge, hence a variation of batting for the other side
                  Fantabulosa !!!

                  I love that you know that, Anna.

                  It has passed into the official Calibanian dictionary
                  "...the isle is full of noises,
                  Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                  Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                  Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                  • MrGongGong
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 18357

                    I couldn't be bothered at all who he "sleeps" with

                    I'm still puzzled by what special skills his chum has ?

                    and I can't help myself imagining Elmer Fudd saying "Mr Werrity"


                    • Frances_iom
                      Full Member
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 2411

                      Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                      BUT I'm still puzzled by what special skills his chum has ?
                      close links to Mossad and the nuttier end of the US far right ? - one reason given was to ensure he wasn't tainted by any anti Israeli thoughts


                      • MrGongGong
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 18357

                        Does he play in the LPO ?

                        (sorry , i'll get my coat ! )


                        • Lateralthinking1

                          On the "who the hell am I" comment .....I am sorry you feel like that BTS. I am a taxpayer - like others, I pay towards Dr Fox's salary and expenses; a voter - wouldn't it be great if we had representatives who were able to fully concentrate on their work?; and more liberal than Dr Fox himself - ie had I been an MP, this would be clear and consistent in my voting record.

                          I am also post 1960s. I may go to Womad on a fairly regular basis. That is not to say that I would feel I had to endorse the behaviour of everyone who was born and raised in Zimbabwe. Similarly, while I would have voted for all the changes in the legislation on sexual orientation to date, I should be allowed to have an opinion on the behaviour of some gay people just as I have a right to an opinion on the behaviour of everyone else. Difficult as that might be for some, this is what equality means.

                          In the event I was not criticising one group of people. My main issue in both or all cases is one about loyalty or more accurately commitment. If people want to be entirely loyal to one person sexually or indeed wholly casual, fair enough, that is, as long as the latter is done with health in mind. Even if someone in marriage chooses to have an affair or umpteen affairs, that is their right too. Equally it is my right to have an opinion on what the latter says to me about responsibility and respect for other peoples' positions. Sorry but I'm not going to have a shrug of the shoulders forced on me in this regard. I certainly wouldn't be voting for it.
                          Last edited by Guest; 13-10-11, 19:28.


                          • Anna

                            I think we are getting sidetracked with sex. Whether Liam Fox is gay and Adam Werrity is his boyfriend (and I think it unlikely to be that as he would not openly flaunt) and whether his marriage is one of convenience, or whether he is bisexual (as a lot of people are) and he and his wife are happy about that is muddying the waters.

                            Patently he has an inappropriate relationship with his best chum which is a source of embarrassment to the Government, is possibly a security risk, and he comes across as an arrogant tosser so therefore he should go. (Dr. Fox and Mr. Werrity sounds like the title of a childrens' book doesn't it? Werrity being a sort of Dickensian name)


                            • Mahlerei


                              Yes, i think we are getting sidetracked. Latest revelations include links to an Israeli company and more secret donors. Just how far does this extend, I wonder, and since when do we have a US-style lobby culture that buys favours/influence with such impunity?

                              And if this weren't surreal enough, one of tomorrow's papers has a front-page picture of Oliver Letwin dumping paperwork in a public bin.
                              Last edited by Guest; 13-10-11, 23:51.


                              • Nick Armstrong
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 26467

                                Originally posted by Anna View Post
                                Patently he has an inappropriate relationship with his best chum which is a source of embarrassment to the Government, is possibly a security risk, and he comes across as an arrogant tosser so therefore he should go. (Dr. Fox and Mr. Werrity sounds like the title of a childrens' book doesn't it? Werrity being a sort of Dickensian name)

                                Spot on with the Dickensian ring (ironically, the name would be the London parlance for 'verity')... cf this from Chuzzlewit:

                                "These amusements, with the miscellaneous conversation arising out of them, passed the time splendidly, until dinner was announced by Bailey junior in these terms:

                                'The wittles is up!'

                                On which notice they immediately descended to the banquet-hall; some of the more facetious spirits in the rear taking down gentlemen as if they were ladies, in imitation of the fortunate possessors of the two Miss Pecksniffs..."
                                "...the isle is full of noises,
                                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."

