... And I say 'our' because we are acquiescent if not actually complict in the process ... My point is the death of 70 people at the hands of a suicide bomber in Somalia only makes item 5 on the BBC site's world pages, because, apparently our greater interest needs to be for the single fatality in a New York helicoper accident.
I mean, how many trees must have been felled to exploit the events of the London bombings in 2007. But hey, New York is a sasst kind of place, full of rich people hopping all over it in Bell helicopters 'cos the don't want to get caught in the traffic. Grrr!
I mean, how many trees must have been felled to exploit the events of the London bombings in 2007. But hey, New York is a sasst kind of place, full of rich people hopping all over it in Bell helicopters 'cos the don't want to get caught in the traffic. Grrr!