Originally posted by Mr Pee
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Classical Music Association Thread
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Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostWhere do people find some of these works?Last edited by Guest; 18-12-10, 22:52.
Don Petter
Originally posted by Anna View PostI get confused. What is the connection with De Bello Gallico and Beckus the Dandipratt?
Post in haste .. I now see this wasn't an example of the interweaving, but my answer still stands.
Don Petter
Originally posted by Anna View PostI get confused. What is the connection with De Bello Gallico and Beckus the Dandipratt? And, if pratt or dandy is the connection, should that not be the next post? Yours sincerely, Confused of Llandrindod Wells.
Sorry about that CoLW - Have a lie down and it will all seem better in the morning!
Sorry, I only edited my post by adding CoLW!I will have to consult the Rev. Eli Jenkins after a lie-down. We shall no doubt have some cocoa and some calico quality time together and all will be clear in the morning.
"Confused of Llandrindod Wells", don't ever apologise. I have reason to be grateful to the people of this town. In 1971, I was on a cycling holiday and after passing through the town, later discovered my wallet was missing. Cycling back to L.W., I went to the police station, which was empty. A few minutes later, a policeman came back, saying "I've been looking for you; your wallet's been handed in." (My student I.D. card was in it.) Wonderful town - wonderful people!