And the Winner is......

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  • PatrickOD

    amateur, many thanks for your observations on this event. Like you I have no real business interfering in the process - but I have a real interest, and I was pleased to find that your observations were not far from my own thoughts, such as they were. We both plumped for Michael D, as did others here, as the obvious choice, and it would indeed be gratifying if the electorate in the Republic confirmed our judgement, and thereby demonstrated their own good sense. If it is any satisfaction to you, my second preference would have been for David Norris who also rises above the ordinary run of political figures, though I'm afraid the electorate does not agree with me there. He has conceded and has congratulated Michael D already. But, on the whole I'm encouraged that there seems to be a desire for the kind of gravitas that emanates from the practical man of learning rather than the street fighter, the commercial traveller or the purveyor of that old time religion, who are all entitled to pitch their tents. I think that the Irish electorate had a difficult choice to make, given their history both ancient and more recent,
    and their present economic circumstances. They could have lashed out in anger and frustration, but they seem to have reacted with a thoughtful sense of what kind of Ireland they want to see, and the world to see. It's just a pity that I had no part in it.


    • Stillhomewardbound
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 1109

      Originally posted by Stillhomewardbound View Post
      Thanks for posting this, PatrickOD, I didn't know that David Norris had revived his candidacy.

      As, French Frank points out, the potential for confusion is rife with the prospect of yet another Mary in the park. Outsiders will assume that the presidency is held by some kind of feminist franchise.

      Then there's the candidate who's gay and the one who's called Gay and Martin McGuinness styling himself as the People's President which will cause merriment amongst my Irish relatives (nationalists at that) who'd sooner spit on him than vote for him; and what will Dana's slogan be? 'All kinds of everything' only as long as it's in her family bible, and preferably from the Old Testament.

      Non-runners (in my limited opinion) would seem to be Sean Gallagher, business man turned tv 'Dragon's Den' 'sleb', Dana also (no national appetite for a firebrand evangelist in a role like that) and the Fine Gael gay, er sorry guy, er Gay Mitchell (Ed. Guy Mitchell? Is he still alive?) who's probably on the ticket as a sop to losing to Enda Kenny for the leadership of Fine Gael. Also Mary Davis who is wonderfully worthy but all too predictably a woman candidate called Mary.

      But who's the candidate I haven't mentioned so far? That will be Michael D Higgins who has 'statesman' and 'professorial' written all over him. I mean, just get that middle initial. There's swank! Oh and his candidacy has been endorsed by American's greatest ever president (in telly-land at least) Jed Bartlett aka. close and personal friend, Martin Sheen. Also, he's a bit of a poet.

      Yup, I reckon MDH has it in the bag. Perhaps unsurprisingly, David Norris would have been my man, and his presidency would have underlined an appropriate change in the times, but very sadly I suspect it is not to be.

      For 'Platform on 3', this is Stillhomewardbound reporting from Phoenix Park, Dublin!
      Pardon me repeating myself, but here's a revival of my opening gambit on the election. The one bit I got wrong was the Gallagher guy. God help us the cult of tv celebrity. Fortunately, if just in the nick, Ireland woke up to him and got it RIGHT by saying 'away with you'!

      Michael D looks to be the man and he will have an excellent consort in his wife, Sabina.

      Good luck to them both and here's the balmier days to come for my former homeland!


      • PatrickOD


        On an off-topic point of information, can anyone explain how there can be a total of 5,285 views of this thread? I admit I did note that after about 60 replies the total had reached 1,000, which rather amazed me. 15 replies later it seems to have attracted a further 4,285 views. In the words of the MB mythology - Surely Some Mistake!


        • PatrickOD

          Getting to know the man poised to be the next President of Ireland


          • Stillhomewardbound
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1109

            A too curious and overly rigourous process to elect a nation's constitutional figurehead. Indeed, almost as if to ask a mute his take on each word in the dictionary that he would never have the chance to utter.

            There is the advantage though, I suppose, that 'Michael D - President Elect' (sounds like a Quinn Marin Prodction'!) has been put throught the crucible and proved his steeliness.

            Good for him and good for Ireland, a nation that slips back., all too easily, into the tribal fold. Twenty One years ago Mary Robinson successfully broke that distorted hegemony and hopefully MDH can achieve the same during his 2011-2018 tenure.

            As a citizen of the nation I salute him and wish both he and the Irish nation well.


            • amateur51

              As a distant but interested observer, it feels and looks like the right result, a just reward for a lifetime's service for a man who is still full of energy and ideas and who has the respect of most people. He looked so happy and his wife Sabina looks to be a great helpmeet too - good luck to both of them ... and to the great nation of Ireland!


              • PatrickOD

                I hope the President will have an impact on the City of Culture 2013. That's Derry, amateur, and it's not so distant - you can get from Birmingham to Derry in 45 minutes!


                • amateur51

                  Originally posted by PatrickOD View Post
                  I hope the President will have an impact on the City of Culture 2013. That's Derry, amateur, and it's not so distant - you can get from Birmingham to Derry in 45 minutes!

                  Twenty thirteen & President Michael D Higgins seem made for each other, Patrick. What a splendid speech too!


                  • PatrickOD

                    I'm sorry to have left the topic so abruptly. There have been no reported developments, except for a few post election claims and counter-claims by some of the unsuccessful candidates. However, a local item may be of interest to some. Next Sunday Michael D will be in Derry to attend the finals of the Irish Choir of the Year. I discovered this when I could not get a ticket for the event - the tickets have been allocated to the schools involved, none of which belong to the host city. A pity, because I would like to have been present.


                    • PatrickOD

                      11.11.11, tomorrow, Michael D will be sworn in as President. Here's hoping he can improve on this record -


                      • amateur51

                        Originally posted by PatrickOD View Post
                        11.11.11, tomorrow, Michael D will be sworn in as President. Here's hoping he can improve on this record -

                        My it's a fast turn around, Patrick!

                        What happens to Mary McAleese now? Does she continue with some sort of diminished salary for a while or a pension or is she out looking for work with possiobly the most impressive CV in the whole of Ireland?

                        Good Luck to Michael D and Sabrina for tomorrow, and to them and Ireland for the next years at least.


                        • PatrickOD

                          amateur, you are in danger of becoming nios Gaelai na na Gaeil iad fein, and I'm sure that Michael D woud be pleased to encourage such a trend. I know that I appreciate your supportive participation in this insular little thread.


                          • amateur51

                            Originally posted by PatrickOD View Post
                            amateur, you are in danger of becoming nios Gaelai na na Gaeil iad fein, and I'm sure that Michael D woud be pleased to encourage such a trend. I know that I appreciate your supportive participation in this insular little thread.
                            I'm sure that's kindly meant, Patrick but what does it mean?


                            • PatrickOD

                              And the winner is....

                              Michael D Higgins has been inaugurated as the ninth President of Ireland in a ceremony at Dublin Castle today.

