And the Winner is......

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  • Stillhomewardbound
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1109

    Caught up with this latest debate last night. I had read about the controversy caused by Miriam O'Callgahan's questioning, but watched the affair with interest. It turned out to be much more compelling than I expected and I stuck with it for an hour and quarter out of its ninety minutes.

    As for Martin McGuinness's questioning which had him spitting tacks - or should that be nails, geddit - in a post-debate one-to-one with O'Callaghan. Well, no one got an easy ride in this debate, but she did seem to go for McGuinness in particularly strident terms. There appeared also to be a bit of legerdemain with the debate rules. We were told that the questions were being timed to give everyone a fair go, but crucially, McGuinness seemed to be at the end of the line for one question, and at the beginning for the very next. This meant he was being buttonholed for what seemed like over ten minutes.

    Not that I have little sympathy for McGuinness, whose candidacy is wholly about political posturing, but I felt a trick was being played here.

    However, ultimately, a line was crossed with the 'Would you vote for this man?' question. McGuinness's past will always haunt him and his denials are effectively futile by the common conception, but in the context of a presidential debate, O'Callaghan's approach at that point came across as partisan and there seemed little appetite by the other candidates to sully themselves in the process.


    • PatrickOD

      RTE has denied that the programme was unfair. I thought it was, but I'm not losing any sleep.
      Our two Northern candidates are hogging the sensational publicity.


      • french frank
        • Feb 2007
        • 30804

        This is fascinating reading. Keep it up guys!
        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


        • Frances_iom
          Full Member
          • Mar 2007
          • 2434

          Originally posted by PatrickOD View Post
          nice to know that IoM is still safe - "It’s not as if the president will have the power to invade the Isle of Man. (The head of State is officially supreme commander of the Defence Forces, but, as I understand it, he or she has to go through a few formalities before launching a foreign war.)"- tho I suspect a fair amount of irish money is banked here!


          • PatrickOD

            Originally posted by Frances_iom View Post
            ... I suspect a fair amount of irish money is banked here!
            Did you say 'money', 'banks', Frances?
            Oh! On second thoughts, I won't go there!

            I'll go here:


            • PatrickOD

              Well, I started, so I'll continue.

              The TG4 Debate took place this evening. TG4 is the Irish Language station. Not a lot there to fire the imagination, unless you consider one fluent Irish speaker out of seven candidates to be of significance. And the tentative suggestion of revising the National Anthem.

              If you can get the TG4 Play Again to work, it is here:


              • Stillhomewardbound
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 1109

                PatrickOD, you've been an excellent guide through this link and I'm heading for the debate straightaway. I thank you.



                • PatrickOD

                  Michael D.

                  For those who don't remember - or would rather forget - a sweet little moment before the lights went out.


                  • Stillhomewardbound
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 1109

                    What the feck is up with the numpty Irish media??

                    There was a presidential debate on the Irish language service, TG4. Can I 'agus ta shea feckin' fuengerola' find it on the so called RTE iplayer, and if I go to the TG4 site, do I get anything more than 'Presidential debate???? ... De bait??? O jaze! Oi never even knew Dev had doied. Jaze, dats shokkin!'

                    What are those whoors playing at!!


                    • PatrickOD

                      Originally posted by Stillhomewardbound View Post
                      What the feck is up with the numpty Irish media??
                      I think it's the 'new, improved' version of the TG4 Player, Shb. I can't get it either. It's all there, but it might as well be in America. I'll have to ask a passing primary school pupil for assistance.
                      Ni chronaitear an t-uisce go dtriomaitear an tobar - You don't miss the water until the well runs dry.

                      Meanwhile, old fashioned newspapers will have to do, but - for goodness sake, why do some people insist on dragging up past indiscretions? It's not cricket, is it? Maybe it's hurling.


                      • PatrickOD

                        Two opinion polls show that Sean Gallagher retains a strong lead over Michael D Higgins in the Presidential election.


                        • Stillhomewardbound
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 1109

                          I am inclined to make the following prediction. If, as these polls might suggest, O'Gallager is elected as the next president of the Republic of Ireland, he will NOT, complete a full seven year term.

                          As with McGuinness, he is too 'live' a figure, and as I've put it previously, how can he cope with being a 'blind' entrepreneur, because his business career must surely cease as soon as he takes the oath of office.


                          • PatrickOD

                            It's now down to the plain people of Ireland, Shb. Do they want Charlie's ghost haunting the grounds of the Aras, or the strains of A Nation Once Again wafting through the leafy glades? Those ideas are never far away, though the cult of the television personality, and the Obama-esque Is Feidir Linn -Yes We Can - could be the X-Factor in this election. Of course I am biased, but Michael D. still seems to me to be the obvious choice.

                            The final television debate will be on RTE1 tomorrow evening at 21.40.

                            Another opinion poll shows that Independent Candidate Seán Gallagher is on course to win the Presidential election on Thursday.


                            • greenilex
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 1626

                              I'm stunned by the lack of interest shown by the Beeb in this...doesn't it matter, or what?


                              • PatrickOD

                                There is some coverage at local level, greenilex.

                                The best of the BBC, with the latest news and sport headlines, weather, TV & radio highlights and much more from across the whole of BBC Online

                                But, I agree with you - it is a shame that the issue is not a bit more shared between neighbours, not just in the media, but right here. I personally would have valued other perspectives than my own. However, you can't make it matter if it doesn't. Thank God for Shb in particular! and thank you to your good self and the others who lifted a symbolic finger to contribute.

