Pink witches - you couldn't make it up...

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  • Simon
    • Oct 2024

    Pink witches - you couldn't make it up...

    Teachers should censor the toy box to replace witches' black hats with a pink ones and dress fairies in darker shades, according to a consultant who has issued advice to local authorities.

    Of course it's all almost unbelieveable. When I first read it I seriously wondered if it was some sort of spoof. Sadly, it doesn't appear to be.

    Even more than the sheer stupidity and falsity of the whole position, the worst thing about it in my view is that teachers are encouraged to lie and tell the kids their favourite colour is brown or black even if it isn't. (And let's be realistic, it won't be for most people).

    They call it being economical with the truth, but of course in reality it's dishonesty. Something very much not to be encouraged when teaching children, but hey, the race industry doesn't care about integrity, but just about banging its own drums. (And keeping the public money rolling in, of cpourse.)
  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 37401

    Originally posted by Simon View Post

    Of course it's all almost unbelieveable. When I first read it I seriously wondered if it was some sort of spoof. Sadly, it doesn't appear to be.

    Even more than the sheer stupidity and falsity of the whole position, the worst thing about it in my view is that teachers are encouraged to lie and tell the kids their favourite colour is brown or black even if it isn't. (And let's be realistic, it won't be for most people).

    They call it being economical with the truth, but of course in reality it's dishonesty. Something very much not to be encouraged when teaching children, but hey, the race industry doesn't care about integrity, but just about banging its own drums. (And keeping the public money rolling in, of cpourse.)
    Lighten up, Simon!

    If I told you Bruckner was my favourite composer, that would be a lie; but how would it matter in the great cosmic scheme of things? Porkies of the kind cited in the Torygraph article are of the same order. I don't see any big deal in this story, but I guess it's the sort of thing people with right-wing syndrome need to keep them what they think of as happy.


    • amateur51

      Interesting that there's no link to any evidence to support this article - there must be council/school documents, surely?

      I'm inclined to think that this may be another one for Ben Goldacre - and it's the time of year when some people like to wheel out that 'Winterval not Christmas in Birmingham' story.

      I do miss the emoticon


      • Ariosto

        Does this mean Simon has got his knickers in a twist AGAIN?

        Just asking ...


        • BetweenTheStaves

          Not at all. A little simple research will show that she has been riding this particular misguided hobby-horse of hers for well over a year. Marketing Magazine, for God's sake.
          And I'm pleased to see that our student's are actively debating this topic


          • scottycelt

            PINK witches' hats?

            I'm sure Ams might have something to say about that ... and what about S-A's shamefully discriminatory composerist remarks about Bruckner .. ?
            Last edited by Guest; 25-09-11, 20:56.


            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
              Gone fishin'
              • Sep 2011
              • 30163

              Hi, Simon!

              You probably don't give much credence to the sayings of an aging leftie like Jeremy Hardy, but what he said yesterday on The News Quiz was particularly apposite here:

              "When somebody says 'You couldn't make it up!' it usually means that someone has!"

              Best Wishes (pink hats or no!)
              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]

