Something else going a bit quicker than we think ....
we need to talk about oil ....
it is the major strategic weakness of the western industrialised nations:
burning it contributes substantially to CO2 in the atmosphere
it has cost us our integrity and reputation through war and commercial gangsterism and collusions in the Middle East Africa and anywhere else it can be found
the combined value and power of Exxon BP Shell Chevron not to mention their Chinese Indian and Russian etc versions wield immense wealth and power in their own interest
it leaves us dependent upon corporations and nation states that we should not be
it will rise in price to unheard of levels
the security of a diminishing supply is doubtful at best
oil dependence has been the domain of political cowardice and chicanery for ever ... now we must address this dependence ...
the discussion we need to have has an unfortunate parallel with our current economic difficulties in that the usual suspects will simply just not do to address these problems .... it is not just the masters of the universe in finance that need to be removed, the masters of oil are no friends to the peopleAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Intntl Energy Authority is worried
what with all the other little difficulties no one is paying much attention ... the difference with climate change compared to economic ruin is the degree of irreversibility innitAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
... and then there's the Coral Reef!
Originally posted by greenilex View PostTrouble is, it's such a huge problem and one's own efforts seem like drops in the ocean - easy to be discouraged.- but we mustn't be. The idea that we're as-good-as-helpless, that we "don't/can't make any difference", is what discourages many people from trying and plays into the hands of those who have vested interests in keeping public attention to Ecological matters on the fringes of political concerns.
(Sorry about the tone of this: reading it, it "sounds" very bossy and finger-wagging, which wasn't intended. If anything, I was giving myself a kick where such was neccesary to do more, not anyone else!)[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
i fear for us all unless we do get off our backsides and make real political nuisances of ourselves
we do have to leave behind the idea that making a fuss is troublesome when making a fuss is about the only path to a tenable survival
i agree fhg ... wag that digitAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.