A selection from the papers today ...
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... they are all at it ..... outrage as commodity ... discourse as spectacle .... rub in the impotence is what it all does
dealing with call centres is the new paradigm "i am sorry Mr Jazbo you have failed the security test, that is not your date of birth"
the CORPSPEAK SQUADDIES say it all ....
'mad as hell and won't take it anymore' is just what it was ...tv ratings ...
when the bread disappears then the circus fails at distraction
is it time to join a union? T3
your call will be recorded for purposes .....
G 1
G 2
I 1
T 1
T 2
... they are all at it ..... outrage as commodity ... discourse as spectacle .... rub in the impotence is what it all does
dealing with call centres is the new paradigm "i am sorry Mr Jazbo you have failed the security test, that is not your date of birth"
the CORPSPEAK SQUADDIES say it all ....
'mad as hell and won't take it anymore' is just what it was ...tv ratings ...
when the bread disappears then the circus fails at distraction
is it time to join a union? T3
your call will be recorded for purposes .....