Feeble telegraph fluff

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  • Norfolk Born

    I agree with Panjandrum: while one can quibble about some of the details, surely the main thrust of the piece accurately conveys the general sense of our concerns.


    • french frank
      • Feb 2007
      • 30791

      Originally posted by Panjandrum View Post
      In fact, I think we should all be glad that the Telegraph has brought this into the public domain.
      Though, as I said, they picked up the story from the Times which had published a number of letters from listeners (as had the Sunday Times). True, though, that the Telegraph made it into a story. One of the reasons why I didn't want to be drawn into making too many comments is because general news reporters always get things wrong.

      On the other hand, the journalists who do know about Radio 3 have mostly got their own views and if they're not on your side you won't get a sympathetic hearing. The BBC can do a lot for journalists, and the journalists can do a lot for the BBC. In some cases the relationship is too close for fair and objective reporting.
      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


      • rank_and_file

        I congratulate you. There is no bad publicity, and the replies in the Telegraph on line are virtually 100% behind our views.


        • johnn10
          Full Member
          • Mar 2011
          • 88

          The BBC has lost one of its defences

          I see that in the Torygraph article the BBC was boasting about broadcasting every Prom live. Not any more it doesn't.


          • Stillhomewardbound
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1109

            They have the cheek, what is more, to cite as 'exclusive' their policy of broadcasting concerts live.

            The nerve. After they dumped that policy for fully two years or more?

            And always, the 'we do the Proms' line like those six weeks are meant to assuage the shortcomings of the other 46 weeks a year.
            Last edited by Stillhomewardbound; 03-09-11, 10:05.


            • Nachtigall
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 146

              Perhaps a slightly more balanced article by Michael White:


              • mercia
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 8920

                didn't realise they'd tried phone-ins before


                • Norfolk Born

                  Originally posted by Nachtigall View Post
                  Perhaps a slightly more balanced article by Michael White:

                  Wonderfully written, impeccably argued ...but I get the feeling that MW also believes that, whatever the arguments, the die has been cast and the battle lost.


                  • cavatina

                    Originally posted by Osborn View Post
                    So you registered our views for us - very sporting of you FF!
                    No, as I keep saying, I'm speaking for the supporters of Friends of Radio 3, not this forum (The Radio 3 Forum). You are not a supporter of FoR3 and must speak for yourself
                    Thank you ff. How you can get that into the heads of some of the forum's most prolific contributors I don't know.
                    I think it's rather hilarious that people around here consider themselves to be FoR3 supporters, but FF appears to turning her nose at them.

                    If that's unfair, then why aren't you recruiting support for your organisation from a large pool of people who are 100% on board with your goals, objectives, and stated agenda? Frankly, your complete lack of interest in extending your reach among those one would think would be your natural allies makes FoR3 look like a bit of a vanity project. Or perhaps it's that you find a lot of the R3/Wright-bashing that passes for rational argument around here embarrassing? Can't say I blame you. And surely you don't think anyone is buying your line about the R3 Forum being a beacon of impartiality.

                    One of the reasons why I didn't want to be drawn into making too many comments is because general news reporters always get things wrong.
                    Maybe if you put more effort into learning how to communicate with the media effectively, this wouldn't be as much of a problem for you.


                    • doversoul1
                      Ex Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 7132

                      Cavatina strikes again.

                      You don’t give up, do you? I almost admire you for your un (in?)-vulnerability (no need to tell us that your are ever so soft inside. Heard that too). However, what you are saying here has all been said (by you) and dealt with (mostly by ever-patient ff) more times than most of us care to remember. Lets’ not go into the tales of your fish tank (re to AM51?) and a hired research assistant (often known as a ‘runner’ over here) or your PhD (a student's exercise).

                      Oh, and I suggest you do a bit of homework on audience analysis, maybe with special reference to educated and broadly British based ones (audience as members of a forum, if you like). Make sure to read more than textbooks or indiscriminate internet articles. Also leave out any discredited researches (re: vinteuil).

                      And remember, reading is for you and not for us to share. No need to post any links you have or have not read.

                      I hope this will help. Enjoy.
                      Last edited by doversoul1; 04-09-11, 10:32. Reason: added reference


                      • rank_and_file


                        I see you talk about “rational argument” - something of which you display a complete and utter lack. If you cannot understand the difference between Friends of R3 and the reason for this message board you are incapable of the rational argument you use in your sneering post with the gratuitous advice.

                        You might educate yourself if you go to the Telegraph site and read the readers’ responses and ask yourself if the BBC management and the Controller of Radio 3 could take to heart some free market research on how Radio 3 is now judged by its listeners.


                        • Serial_Apologist
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 38172

                          Originally posted by rank_and_file View Post

                          I see you talk about “rational argument” - something of which you display a complete and utter lack. If you cannot understand the difference between Friends of R3 and the reason for this message board you are incapable of the rational argument you use in your sneering post with the gratuitous advice.

                          You might educate yourself if you go to the Telegraph site and read the readers’ responses and ask yourself if the BBC management and the Controller of Radio 3 could take to heart some free market research on how Radio 3 is now judged by its listeners.
                          I wonder what it will feel like, returning to the States in one week's time, and leaving such a pool of good will behind


                          • french frank
                            • Feb 2007
                            • 30791

                            Shall we move on?

                            I think Michael White's Telegraph piece is the biggest press break with the R3 line that I can remember. He won't be expecting any exclusives or seats in the R3 box in the near future!
                            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                            • Suffolkcoastal
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 3299

                              FF, perhaps you could show Mr White the last two years figures I compiled just to confirm that there can be no doubt that R3 has taken a catastrophic nose dive in the last couple of years. With 2/3rds of the year gone, this year's figures are becoming still more alarming with even Early Music (which had held up well so far) seeming to be taking a hit. I'd be happy to discuss this all with Mr White if he so wishes to add support to his article.


                              • vinteuil
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 13192

                                Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                                I wonder what it will feel like, returning to the States in one week's time, and leaving such a pool of good will behind
                                o, she will be pondering the wise words of Daniel 5. 25...

