I found this page https://www.consumercouncil.org.uk/s...wap-out-scheme relating to the somewhat poorly managed Royal Mail stamp swap out scheme.
I had indeed found some spare stamps so I found the return form - easy to find, and thought I'd chance sending them back. Today the replacement stamps arrived - about 2 weeks after I sent the old ones in.
The last day to actually use the old stamps is apparently July 31st. I did find some more, in a wallet, after I'd sent the first batch in, so unless I really want to use those I figure I might as well send off for replacements for them too.
Whether this will continue to work later on I'm not sure. Anyone who only has a few old stamps might decide to keep them as souvenirs!
I had indeed found some spare stamps so I found the return form - easy to find, and thought I'd chance sending them back. Today the replacement stamps arrived - about 2 weeks after I sent the old ones in.
The last day to actually use the old stamps is apparently July 31st. I did find some more, in a wallet, after I'd sent the first batch in, so unless I really want to use those I figure I might as well send off for replacements for them too.
Whether this will continue to work later on I'm not sure. Anyone who only has a few old stamps might decide to keep them as souvenirs!