Current favourite jokes

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  • Flosshilde
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 7988

    Originally posted by Ant View Post
    The aardvark's shape is a funny one
    And his disposition not a sunny one.
    But you need take no alarm
    For he means you no harm -
    Because aardvark never hurt anyone!

    Regards Ant
    Ant, you might want to re-consider that last line

    (oops - I've just got it!)


    • Ant

      Hello Flosshilde, I prefer this, I think - dredged up from the depths of my memory:

      Proverbs 6:6-8 King James Version
      6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
      7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
      8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.

      Regards Ant


      • mercia
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 8920

        A polar bear, a giraffe and a penguin walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What is this? Some kind of joke?"

        [ oh, you've heard that one before have you]


        • LeMartinPecheur
          Full Member
          • Apr 2007
          • 4717

          He-man Texan goes into a barber's shop for a shave and a shoe-shine. He's in the chair all lathered up and the barber is just whetting his razor when the most gorgeous blonde starts doing the shoe-shine. Texan, in a fine position to view her prominent attributes, says, "Honey, you look fantastic - howzabout you and I get together later over at my hotel?"

          "But I'm just married and I really don't want to cheat on my husband..."

          "Well howzabout you tell him you've got to work overtime tonight? - I'll give you a big load of bucks to keep him happy."

          "Howzabout you tell him - you're nearest!"
          I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


          • Petrushka
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 12157

            "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


            • Nick Armstrong
              • Nov 2010
              • 26446

              Have you heard about the new corduroy pillows?

              They're making headlines everywhere!
              "...the isle is full of noises,
              Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
              Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
              Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


              • EdgeleyRob
                • Nov 2010
                • 12180

                I called the RSPCA today and said, "I've just found a suitcase in the woods containing a fox and four cubs."
                "That's terrible," the woman on the phone replied. "Are they moving?"
                "I'm not sure, to be honest," I said, "But that would explain the suitcase."


                • Nick Armstrong
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 26446

                  "...the isle is full of noises,
                  Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                  Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                  Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                  • EdgeleyRob
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 12180


                    • Nick Armstrong
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 26446

                      Originally posted by EdgeleyRob View Post
                      "...the isle is full of noises,
                      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                      • teamsaint
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 25175

                        Originally posted by Caliban View Post
                        is that a blank look, Cals?
                        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                        I am not a number, I am a free man.


                        • EdgeleyRob
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 12180

                          An older man is pulled over by the police around 2 a.m. and is asked where he is going at this time of night. The man replies, "I am on my way to attend a lecture about gambling, hookers, alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking, and staying out late."

                          The officer asks, "Really? Who is giving that lecture at this time of night?"

                          The man replies, "My wife."


                          • Ant

                            Hello all, not unlike the chap at the Irish newsagent who asked for a daily paper; when asked did he want today's or
                            tomorrow's, asked for tomorrow's. "To be sure, Sor, and would you mind callin' by for it tomorrer!"

                            This is dedicated to all of us who are seniors, to all of you who know seniors, and to all of you who will become

                            "WHERE is my SUNDAY paper?!" The irate customer calling the newspaper office, loudly demanded to know where her
                            Sunday edition was.

                            "Madam", said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on

                            There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a ray of recognition as she was heard to
                            mutter, .... "Well, shit, that explains why no one was at church either.

                            Regards, Ant G0AJA


                            • Beef Oven!
                              • Sep 2013
                              • 18147

                              Originally posted by Ant View Post
                              There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a ray of recognition as she was heard to
                              mutter, .... "Well, shit, that explains why no one was at church either.


                              • Nick Armstrong
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 26446

                                A contribution from Lady Rubbernecker (O.H. of Rubbernecker, a former regular here, whose birthday it was yesterday):

                                What did the inflatable headmistress from the inflatable school say to the inflatable pupil with a pin?




                                - You've let me down, you've let the school down and you've let yourself down.

                                "...the isle is full of noises,
                                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."

