Keeping warm

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18104

    Keeping warm

    I wondered about posting on the Meter Readings thread, but thought maybe it's better to start a new one.
    Clearly keeping warm might be something of concern this winter, and it is something which concerns me personally as I now live in a sometimes colder part of the UK, and do feel the cold from time to time, and also am aware of the costs of heating.

    I have lived in the UK, but also in hot countries and cold ones.
    In Sweden there were phrases like "cotton kills" - particularly for people who wanted to go out in very cold weather or ski.
    The point there was that cotton underwear was nowhere near as effective for heat retention as some other material - some wool for example, and could also attract moisture which could add to problems for anyone out in the snow.
    We also had very thick padded jackets - supposedly good for down to -30 or -40 degrees C.

    Rather than pay more for fuel, we are now trying to cut back by reducing the temperatures inside our house, and fortunately we now have more control over that than in previous years due to a newly installed control system.

    Questions now remain though. For example, how much oil can you buy for the price of a thermal vest? [Current approximate answer - about 17 litres - though prices for oil vary from day to day - it might only be 14-15 litres today.
    How many thermal vests do you need to keep warm - well one obviously - but one might suppose that one needs more than one to keep a supply to wear each day. Also, should thermal vests have sleeves? Sleeved vests can be significantly warmer. Let's choose 7 as the number to buy. So now a supply of thermal vests might equate to 105 litres of oil.
    Next question - how much energy is used keeping those clothes clean for use each week? Probably not too much if those can be washed with other clothes - so probably the equivalent of 1-2 litres of oil/week.
    Similar considerations can be made for other clothing - such as pullovers. Again wool pullovers will tend to be much warmer than synthetic ones, though may wear out faster or become untidy.
    For some families they will be caught in a poverty trap - not able to afford heating, food or clothes, or even to be able to wash their clothes cheaply or easily.

    I am reminded also of a holiday we had once to Sardinia in January. To our surprise the hotel staff all wore fairly thick padded jackets inside the hotel, which had minimal heating. During the days it was quite warm - but at night the temperature dropped.

    It is possible to keep fairly warm and comfortable with "appropriate" clothing - but how many of us these days are prepared to turn off the central heating and wear outdoor clothes indoors instead?
    Last edited by Dave2002; 03-11-22, 16:06.
  • french frank
    • Feb 2007
    • 30806

    Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
    It is possible to keep fairly warm and comfortable with "appropriate" clothing - but how many of us these days are prepared to turn off the central heating and wear outdoor clothes indoors instead?
    Part of the problem is when people take the view: "If I want it, can afford it and it's available, I'll have it." Apart from the fact that it's a privilege of the better off, it's not environmentally responsible.

    I have 2 sets of fleece layers: long sleeved, half-zipped top and long johns. When washed, they dry very quickly. They came from an outdoors shop years ago but show no sign of wearing out. I will wear 4 or 5 layers indoors if I'm cold and possibly a couple more if I go out. I'm still refusing to turn my heating on out of sheer bloody-mindedness.

    I lived in the north of Scotland for 13 years in a stone cottage with no heating except a small open fire in one room. I survived.

    I don't advocate any of this for anyone else. It's my choice and I recognise that many people have greater basic needs than me and less choice. But for the past 6 weeks I've had no occupiable downstairs room and that is likely to continue for another 6 weeks on present showing. When I get cold (the only room I heat is currently a building site) I go to bed with a hot water bottle and read.

    If anyone's remotely interested
    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


    • smittims
      Full Member
      • Aug 2022
      • 4749

      Some interesting ideas there. I hope others will contribute.

      I've always worn 'traditional ' clothing, and I wonder if it's the most heat-efficient. Here in South Cheshire the temperature changes quickly and unpredictably. Last night I just could not get warm , but just now I've been sitting outside in the sunshine reading my RSPB gift catalogue in the same clothing: thermals and three cashmere sweaters. But I see people looking like Michelin Man in padded plasticky coats (is it called Kapok?) which look fit for Everest. Others, quite elderly men, go about in schoolboy shorts and no socks, and don't look cold.

      As for staying warm enough through the winter I'd suggest keeping to one room and one (warmed) chair , covered with a duvet, and even wearing a woolly hat indooors and never mind if people say you look silly. That's got me through some grim winters. A hot drink helps too.


      • Cockney Sparrow
        Full Member
        • Jan 2014
        • 2303

        Before this present fuel price crisis, I heard features (probably on You and Yours) picking up on a listener suggesting heated clothing used by, for example, motorcyclists - waistcoats certainly mentioned, I recall it mentioned that by heating the area of the kidneys, it helped to warm the blood in circulation. Rechargeable battery involved IIRC. The listener in question lived without heating for all but an hour or two, through the winter in a not very well insulated house.


        • Sir Velo
          Full Member
          • Oct 2012
          • 3306

          The BBC news (sic) website recently published an article on how to save energy costs over winter. Had I implemented any of their central heating saving "tips" (eg keep the thermostat to 21C; only have the CH on from 4pm to 11pm) it would have ended up costing me significantly more than my personally curated regime.

          Current temperature in the house is 20C; this "falls" to an arctic 18C overnight. I think I'm safe from the effects of hypothermia for now.


          • Dave2002
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 18104

            Originally posted by Cockney Sparrow View Post
            Before this present fuel price crisis, I heard features (probably on You and Yours) picking up on a listener suggesting heated clothing used by, for example, motorcyclists - waistcoats certainly mentioned, I recall it mentioned that by heating the area of the kidneys, it helped to warm the blood in circulation. Rechargeable battery involved IIRC. The listener in question lived without heating for all but an hour or two, through the winter in a not very well insulated house.
            There are heated blankets and throws which are cheap to buy, and take the edge off the cold. These would very likely be cheaper to run than keeping even one room warm.

            However, letting rooms in a house go very cold does give rise to other problems - damp, mould etc., and may not be good for other items stored in those rooms. Certainly it's not a good idea to let the temperature drop so much as to give a high probability of burst water pipes, as the damage can be very expensive to put right.

            Anyone who has a collection of books or paintings might be concerned to keep these in acceptable condition. I don't know how cold these can go. Maybe dehumidifiers help - but again - what levels do those need to be set to?


            • oddoneout
              Full Member
              • Nov 2015
              • 9526

              Might be something of interest here

              I read recently (can't find the reference at the minute) that layering socks is not recommended as it risks reducing circulation. I think that may be a matter for individual interpretation when it comes to being indoors but I can see that having too much bulk when wearing outdoor footwear could be an issue.


              • teamsaint
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 25294

                Keep your neck warm.
                I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                I am not a number, I am a free man.


                • pastoralguy
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 7916

                  Many years ago, I had a fling with a very wealthy American lady who was a bit older than me. After she returned to The States, I received a parcel from her that contained her ankle length mink coat that I had so admired! I used it as an incredibly warm blanket for many years and now use it to keep warm as I sit in the sitting room writing stuff on the net.


                  • Dave2002
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 18104

                    There is a frost coming on tonight, with the car windscreens already icing up. Too late, unfortunately, for me to plug the larger EV in for the night, so tomorrow I’ll have to check things earlier. Room temperatures now 18 C or lower, but we’ll keep them that low.

                    Maybe time to have some hot toast though, before giving up for the night. Also we now have electric blankets. I was always wary of these until a few years ago, but so far I’ve escaped electrocution.


                    • Dave2002
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 18104

                      This grauniad article maybe has a few tips -


                      • LHC
                        Full Member
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 1585

                        There is also this article in the Guardian, which is ostensibly about Uniqlo’s heat tech clothes, but includes useful information about layering clothes to keep warm, and which materials work well for each layer.

                        As winter and higher fuel costs loom, so does the question: are the products any better than good old-fashioned thermals?

                        Edited to add, it also gives this advice on socks:

                        One of the best ways of maintaining warmth is to change your socks multiple times a day.

                        “Your feet produce more moisture than any spot on your body,” he said. Because most people wear cotton socks, the socks tend to retain moisture – causing you to lose heat. “But even hikers who use wool socks, we change them out a couple times a day, and definitely before bed.”
                        "I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square."
                        Lady Bracknell The importance of Being Earnest


                        • Mal
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2016
                          • 892

                          I bought a pair of slippers recently that made quite a difference! Keep the extremities warm? Gloves and bobble hat?


                          • Dave2002
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 18104

                            Originally posted by Mal View Post
                            I bought a pair of slippers recently that made quite a difference! Keep the extremities warm? Gloves and bobble hat?
                            I saw some ridiculously priced (and also ridiciulous) bobble hats yesterday. I tbink thermal type tea cosy hats can be obtained quite cheaply in some stores.


                            • Ein Heldenleben
                              Full Member
                              • Apr 2014
                              • 7260

                              Went to Cineworld yesterday to see the Met’s La Traviata*. I was told that some people are getting the £9.99 Cineworld unlimited monthly offer and watching 3 films a day. Providing you can stand the loud soundtrack and the films themselves this strikes me as just about the cheapest way (33p per day ) of keeping warm once the libraries are closed.

                              * very well sung.

