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  • BetweenTheStaves
    • Mar 2025


    Don't forget that 60w incandescents cease to be manufactured from Sept 1 this year and that in 2012 all incandescents will cease to be manufactured. (I have even seen suggestions that halogens were also included but have no firm information).

    So depending on what side of the fence you sit, either stock up or not.
  • Lateralthinking1

    Yes, I have done. Hopefully enough to last me for my lifetime. I figure that as I don't run a car or fly in planes or have 50% of standard household devices, I can permit myself the luxury of decent light.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38172

      Originally posted by BetweenTheStaves View Post
      Don't forget that 60w incandescents cease to be manufactured from Sept 1 this year and that in 2012 all incandescents will cease to be manufactured. (I have even seen suggestions that halogens were also included but have no firm information).

      So depending on what side of the fence you sit, either stock up or not.
      Thanks for letting us know, BTS - why is this? And does it also include bulbs of higher wattage? How the **** am I going to be able to see to do my cooking, shaving, niggly repair jobs like soldering? The halogen bulbs - where they now resemble the conventional old ones - cost a packet. That's one thing; the other is that the amount of light emitted seems to bear no equivalence to the old ones. Nobody in the shops seems to have any idea what corresponds with what!


      • Anna

        Our little electrical shop has a notice in the window: "Last chance to buy REAL lightbulbs" It then lists what they have in stock according to wattage.


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38172

          Originally posted by Anna View Post
          Our little electrical shop has a notice in the window: "Last chance to buy REAL lightbulbs" It then lists what they have in stock according to wattage.
          Better get down there before the next round of riots, Anna!


          • Mary Chambers
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1963

            I too have shamelessly stockpiled proper lightbulbs.


            • makropulos
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 1688

              Same here - though I haven't hoarded as many as I'd like. Time for a last trip to the local electrical shop I think.


              • Anna

                I don't mind the energy saving ones for locations such as the hall/stairs/landing but for close up, detailed work, I much prefer the old ones but like S-A I am really unsure as to what watt equals what! Also, for certain things I like the 'natural daylight' bulbs (the blue ones) but can't see how an energy saving one would produce the same natural effect? Off to the shop tomorrow!


                • Eine Alpensinfonie
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20585

                  I'm quite happy with the energy saving ones, except that they're very slow to reach full luminosity. The difficulty is in finding equivalents of small, decorative bulbs.


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    Ilike the fact that with the energy saving bulbs, I don't have to get someone in to change a ceiling light very often.

                    I bougnht 2 high vision reading lamps. The 2 cost £90 but they are bright enough for any job, 1 standard and 1 table lamp.


                    • decantor
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 521

                      Yes, I've been stocking up on incandescents too, including candles, spots and floods. I find eBay useful for this - pretty cheap if you're prepared to buy a dozen or more, and delivered (100% unbroken so far!) to the door. I'm happy with the new-fangled monstrosities for the most part, but for anything that involves reading - including music on the stand - my ageing eyes need all the help they can get.


                      • hafod
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 740

                        I also find that the new bulbs are inferior to the old ones for reading and other close work. They can also imbue some old polished furniture and decor with an artificial tint. Worst of all they look ridiculous in most antique light fittings and small crystal chandeliers - that is where they fit.


                        • StephenO

                          Not only are the new bulbs inferior and expensive but I find I get a splitting headache if I spend very long reading by one. None of the supermarkets have any "real" bulbs left and the local electrical shop has sold out so it looks as though I'll have to stock up on paracetamol instead.


                          • BetweenTheStaves

                            I stocked up at We stocked up on 100w and 60w last year but this time I went round the house and identified all the smaller bulbs like the golfballs in our landing and hall lights (bought at a fleamarket in Paris). We worked out it would be cheaper to seriously stockpile as opposed to going out and buying new fittings or new lamps which are just as elegant (if we could find them).


                            • Flay
                              Full Member
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 5795

                              Are they going to ban lampshades next? After all, they cut down on efficiency so shouldn't be allowed.
                              Pacta sunt servanda !!!

