There's probably a thread lurking somewhere, but I'm busting to vent my spleen quickly about BBC Sounds. I tried to get it on my mobile just now (to catch up on the One o'clock news) and it asked me to sign-in or register AGAIN.
Why? I just can't stand all the password/user-name c**p, and I fail to see why it's needed when there are no security matters involved.
BTW, I find the best way to get a programme is to Google the one you want, and it seems to bypass all the hurdles.
It seems 'BBC Sounds' is bumped up all the time by continuity announcers. The very mention of it brings me out in a rash. Aaarghhh!

BTW, I find the best way to get a programme is to Google the one you want, and it seems to bypass all the hurdles.
It seems 'BBC Sounds' is bumped up all the time by continuity announcers. The very mention of it brings me out in a rash. Aaarghhh!