Updated House Rules

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  • Panjandrum

    Originally posted by Mandryka View Post
    What I WOULD like to see a ban on is people making unproductive contributions to threads - known on another forum I frequent as (pardon me) 'threadcrapping'. An example of this would be someone posting on a thread just to say 'I'm not joining in with this discussion' or 'I don't like negative threads', or something of that sort. If you don't like the thread, your most appropriate response is to ignore it.
    Funny how some of those who are most vociferous in their condemnation of soi disant negative threads seem content to thrust their own brand of negativity elsewhere. Might be an idea if we all stopped trying to impose our ideas of what makes an acceptable post or thread on others and just accept the old French maxim - "vive la difference"!


    • Mandryka

      Of course, anyone wanting to understand how a music forum should NOT be run could do a lot worse than check out the preposterous R3OK, which has no raison d'etre other than as a redoubt for discussions of cooking, cats and crossword puzzles.


      • Flosshilde
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 7988

        Originally posted by cavatina View Post
        They sure as hell don't have anything to do with me in the slightest; I've completely cut myself off from all that noise. I don't give a fig for what passes for popular political culture, and I'd rather spend the afternoon reading Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics than trouble myself over any of the disingenuous crap pundits are trying to foist on the public. It's all a colossal con game.
        I think that that is part of the problem - people who care becoming disillusioned & withdrawing from all political activity (& perhaps social engagement?). If we don't get, or stay, involved then things will only get worse.

        Bah, back to my Aristotle. You might want to read what he has to say about anger, reason, and living the examined life. I had a look again this morning, and it really helped me get a grip and refrain from blowing up at everyone in the other thread.
        Not sure what other thread you mean, but I thought you had blown up at everybody on this one, in your blanket acusation of bile being spewed. Or am I getting confused?


        • Simon

          the preposterous R3OK, which has no raison d'etre other than as a redoubt for discussions of cooking, cats and crossword puzzles.
          Too harsh, mandryka, I think. It does have the function of stroking the egos of a few "composers" who inhabit it, along with their flatterers and fellow-travellers. And it keeps them (most of them) off here, which is a major boon for us all...


          • ahinton
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 16123

            Originally posted by Simon View Post
            Too harsh, mandryka, I think. It does have the function of stroking the egos of a few "composers" who inhabit it, along with their flatterers and fellow-travellers. And it keeps them (most of them) off here, which is a major boon for us all...
            Sorry - wrong. I inhabit it, it doesn't (nor would I expect it to) stroke my ego and it doesn't keep me off here; while you're putting that in your pipe, please smoke your superfluous " "s with it, would you?

            Thank you!


            • ahinton
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 16123

              Originally posted by Mandryka View Post
              Of course, anyone wanting to understand how a music forum should NOT be run could do a lot worse than check out the preposterous R3OK, which has no raison d'etre other than as a redoubt for discussions of cooking, cats and crossword puzzles.
              I think that you're being quite astonishingly selective about that forum and its contents, the briefest of perusals of which would so obviously give the lie to your assertion!
              Last edited by ahinton; 25-08-11, 15:48.


              • Mandryka

                The vast majority of the folks on it are perfectly OK (and that goes for the ones who also inhabit this here place), but it's moderation policy is a (bad) joke and it exudes a heavy atmosphere of bourgeois banality - which is why it's dying on its rear end.


                • ahinton
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 16123

                  Originally posted by Mandryka View Post
                  The vast majority of the folks on it are perfectly OK (and that goes for the ones who also inhabit this here place), but it's moderation policy is a (bad) joke and it exudes a heavy atmosphere of bourgeois banality - which is why it's dying on its rear end.
                  I don't see any evidence of it doing that - but then I'm not one of its most frequent contributors, so maybe I'm missing something...


                  • french frank
                    • Feb 2007
                    • 30804

                    Well, some people have personal axes to grind about other forums which they have frequented. r3ok is still a recommended forum on the FoR3 homepage. It's noticeable that people who have been in trouble on one forum are often the ones who cause trouble on other forums - if it only amounts to getting up the noses of other members. I've already made it clear to another Member that this forum shouldn't be used as a platform for what is known as 'forum-bashing'.

                    The only weakness of r3ok's moderation system is that it's democratic ...
                    Last edited by french frank; 25-08-11, 15:20. Reason: altered smiley to indicate mischievous comment ... :)
                    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                    • Mandryka

                      Originally posted by french frank View Post
                      Well, some people have personal axes to grind about other forums which they have frequented. r3ok is still a recommended forum on the FoR3 homepage. It's noticeable that people who have been in trouble on one forum are often the ones who cause trouble on other forums - if it only amounts to getting up the noses of other members. I've already made it clear to another Member that this forum shouldn't be used as a platform for what is known as 'forum-bashing'.

                      The only weakness of r3ok's moderation system is that it's democratic ...
                      Fair enough, ff, but your final comment suggests your visits there have been infrequent.

                      And there let it lie.


                      • french frank
                        • Feb 2007
                        • 30804

                        Yes, I won't respond to that. But people might be interested in reading the General Rules of the vBulletin forum - our software developers. https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/misc.php?do=showrules

                        In this respect: 'we would appreciate it if you refrain from blatant bashing of other boards'.

                        On to blatant bashing of our rules, please
                        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                        • Panjandrum

                          Originally posted by cavatina View Post
                          Bah, back to my Aristotle. You might want to read what he has to say about anger, reason, and living the examined life. I had a look again this morning, and it really helped me get a grip and refrain from blowing up at everyone in the other thread.
                          Maybe an anger management class would be a good thing for you? By the way, there are other forums (some of which are linked from here): why don't you give them a try? You never know you might just find you have more in common with the bilious types that spew hatred on these boards.


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38179

                            Originally posted by cavatina View Post
                            I've never felt the need to make an announcement when I'm about to ignore someone.
                            I'd figured that


                            • Anna

                              <knocks hesitantly on door, opens it, pokes head round>
                              Excuse me. Is this the Updated House Rules thread or the cavatina thread? Oh. Right. I see.
                              <tiptoes out quietly and carefully closes door. Ducks behind the sofa>


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38179

                                Originally posted by Anna View Post
                                <knocks hesitantly on door, opens it, pokes head round>
                                Excuse me. Is this the Updated House Rules thread or the cavatina thread? Oh. Right. I see.
                                <tiptoes out quietly and carefully closes door. Ducks behind the sofa>

