Updated House Rules

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  • french frank
    • Feb 2007
    • 30804

    Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
    people rarely find humour directed at themselves funny
    This is true. It rather depends, or course, on whether the humour is understood as being affectionately intended or malicious. Nine times out of ten it seems to be the latter

    As for the Berlioz comment, I took Mr Pee's comment, I think, in the spirit in which the suggested it was intended. It amused me rather more than the top ten jokes at the Edinburgh Festival, anyway (yes, I know that's not saying a lot). I shall reprieve the for the moment but I would like someone to explain what they are doing when they contribute to a thread simply by posting <<yawn>>.

    Ignore lists: I've investigated this and there doesn't seem to be a way of disabling them short of altering the software code - which we don't do, which is the immediate - and definitive - reply on that. The only problem with ILs, in my view, is people's desire to make a public announcement that they are Ignoring someone, though this does seem to be a recognised 'Forum Phenomenon'. I think it should be disallowed as 'disruption' .
    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


    • cavatina

      I agree, Flossie! Cavatina's tirade strikes me as far more vicious and bile-filled than most of the ones she's complaining about.
      I don't think anyone could honestly read what I wrote above and think "vicious bile-filled tirade". Instead of worrying about me, why not get back to concentrating on that fascinating "BERLIOZ SUX HAR HAR NO ELGAR SUX HAR HAR" discussion you were all having before I showed up and lowered the tone?

      Better yet, put me in your filter files...I won't mind a bit.


      • doversoul1
        Ex Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 7132

        Originally Posted by cavatina
        a board where people do little else but spew hatred and bile
        Though in slightly varying words, this seems to be your consistent view of these MBs and the R3 MBs before. One cannot help but wondering why you have not given up and gone long ago.


        • cavatina

          Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
          A bit over the top, what? I don't think that this is a board "where people do little else but spew hatred and bile" - on the whole it's good humoured, sometimes a little tetchy. Rarely full on insult-throwing.
          True, you have a point. Perhaps you'd see it differently if you were usually the target. In the context of my original remark, I meant it's all too easy to see the forum becoming like that without FF's moderation.

          One cannot help but wondering why you have not given up and gone long ago.
          I've been wondering that myself...I suppose the answer is if I knew of a better place, I'd be there. Actually, it's quite a good environment when people aren't being coarse and cruel to each other.

          The only problem with ILs, in my view, is people's desire to make a public announcement that they are Ignoring someone, though this does seem to be a recognised 'Forum Phenomenon'. I think it should be disallowed as 'disruption'
          I've never felt the need to make an announcement when I'm about to ignore someone.


          • aeolium
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 3992

            Originally posted by cavatina View Post
            I think this place would be infinitely more interesting and fun if we could talk about lighter, more humane subjects instead of restricting Platform 3 to everybody trotting out the same tired old received opinions about politics, religion-bashing, and current events, but I'm well aware this isn't my call. It's her party and she can cry if she wants to.
            AFAIK, Platform 3 does not 'restrict' in any way people from posting threads on any subject (as long as they conform with the House Rules), so it is entirely possible for you to post on 'lighter, more humane subjects'. By and large I don't think posters here do trot out the 'same tired old received opinions' about politics and current events, and as for religion-bashing, there is barely one thread in the last 100 posted which could remotely come into that category. Among those last 100 threads is a thread for 'courteous, informed and intelligent discussion of religion' which ran to 15 pages and which you posted on, so clearly it's not just a question of religion-bashing. As so often, the evidence does not support the assertions you blithely come up with.

            Personally, I'm glad there are discussions on politics and current events in what remains primarily a forum for discussion of music and the arts. It's not surprising that at a time of enormous political and economic turbulence there are people here who want to discuss it, and unlike you I have found a lot of valuable contributions (and article links) from posters here which have given me different perspectives on it.

            Maybe once I'm back home, I'll try to start more philosophy and ethics threads and see if anyone is interested.
            Why are philosophy and ethics only of interest when they are safely detached from the sphere of current events? That certainly wasn't the case for many philosophers down the ages, from Plato down to Russell. And those philosophers didn't confine themselves to 'lighter, more humane subjects'.


            • Ariosto

              Originally posted by cavatina View Post
              True, you have a point. Perhaps you'd see it differently if you were usually the target. In the context of my original remark, I meant it's all too easy to see the forum becoming like that without FF's moderation.

              I've been wondering that myself...I suppose the answer is if I knew of a better place, I'd be there. Actually, it's quite a good environment when people aren't being coarse and cruel to each other.

              I've never felt the need to make an announcement when I'm about to ignore someone.
              Never fear Cavatina, I will never put you in my (empty) ignore list. And as someone who is always contemplating "going" please don't - as your unusual angles are sometimes very interesting.

              I'm making it a house rule that from now on I'm only going to take the "p" out of myself, so I'm now off to get a brain transplant. (Hoping of course I don't end up with a "you know whose" brain, as I wouldn't know what to do with that long pointy thing ...)


              • johnb
                Full Member
                • Mar 2007
                • 2903

                My only contribution to this 'curious' thread is to say that IMO FF takes an extremely relaxed approach to moderation and only intervenes when posts or threads verge on the noxious.

                In the past I used a US based piano forum and the moderators were much stricter and much more active. Many of the 'provocative' posts that I have seen here wouldn't have been tolerated and would have probably resulted in the poster being banned.


                • Mr Pee
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 3285

                  why not get back to concentrating on that fascinating "BERLIOZ SUX HAR HAR NO ELGAR SUX HAR HAR" discussion you were all having before I showed up and lowered the tone?
                  I think you're confusing this thread with another. I'm not aware of any such discussion. A couple of good-humoured remarks perhaps, but nothing more- and certainly not as crass as you are suggesting.
                  Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                  Mark Twain.


                  • ahinton
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 16123

                    Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                    I think you're confusing this thread with another. I'm not aware of any such discussion. A couple of good-humoured remarks perhaps, but nothing more- and certainly not as crass as you are suggesting.
                    Agreeing with you does not have to be an unhealthy thing to do, as an earlier poster implied - having said which I do agree with you here; indeed, I'm likewise unaware of anything resembling an "ELGAR SUX HAR HAR" intrusion into any thread here and, for the record, even a diatribe against Elgar phrased in a much more civilised and articulate manner than such a phrase might suggest (such as, for example, the one that Prof. Edward Dent published in the late 1920s and which drew forth a petition of protest) would be one that I would be most loath to endorse, given that I've long had much admiration for Elgar's best work.


                    • Flosshilde
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 7988

                      Originally posted by Ariosto View Post
                      I'm getting worried!! I'm agreeing with Mr Pee and Flossie far too much for it to be healthy!!
                      Being bracketed with Mr Pee (despite his temporary bout of agreement) is provoking in the extreme - I thought I'd spewed enough bile at him to make it absolutely clear that there is not the remotest chance of a between us at the time.

                      However, if he wishes to buy me a few bottles of vintage as a offering I might reconsider.


                      • Flosshilde
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 7988

                        Originally posted by cavatina View Post
                        Actually, it's quite a good environment when people aren't being coarse and cruel to each other.
                        Which is most of the time.

                        I'm not sure, Cavatina, wheteher as an USA citizen you should be used to 'robust' debate or not. Political discussion in the USA seems to be based on insult, if the Republicans/Tea Party are any guide, whereas the occasional reports of US Americans being shocked at British satirical TV shows, or British interviewers challenging politicians suggest that they are rather more cosseted & used to treating people with kid gloves.


                        • french frank
                          • Feb 2007
                          • 30804

                          Originally posted by cavatina View Post
                          (e.g. no cooking threads, wine, pets, gardening, relationships, etc.) ... Maybe once I'm back home, I'll try to start more philosophy and ethics threads and see if anyone is interested.
                          I don't want to be too 'controlling' on content ("Yes, you do!' 'No, I don't!' ) but one reason why I'm not keen on 'permanent' threads is that I really don't want the forum to become a haven for people who have no interest in or knowledge of Radio 3. So no 'Cooking thread' or 'Gardening thread' (I can suggest a forum if people want to discuss those subjects on a regular basis . Pets and Relationships? No, please, no ...). And I think the best thing is if threads are started spontaneously - Flossie's 'Marmalade time!', for example, was a triumph: spontaneous, topical and attracting wide interest while it lasted - rather than people thinking, 'Now let's see, what shall I post a thread on next?' which does seem to have an idea of 'leading' the forum discussions.
                          I think this place would be infinitely more interesting and fun if we could talk about lighter, more humane subjects instead of restricting Platform 3 to everybody trotting out the same tired old received opinions about politics, religion-bashing, and current events
                          Well, I think there are plenty of threads which are more trivial and fun.

                          As a regular contributor to politics and current events threads, I'm not sure that I agree that 'everybody' is trotting out the same tired old received opinions . As for 'religion-bashing', if anyone feels personally offended about a particular post, they should Report it. Atheism, scepticism, agnosticism, comments critical of religion in matters of public interest all seem fine to me, and I imagine would be to people with religious beliefs. Direct vulgar and gratuitous abuse seems to me unacceptable whatever or whoever is the target.
                          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                          • Flosshilde
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 7988

                            Originally posted by french frank View Post
                            Flossie's 'Marmalade time!', for example, was a triumph: spontaneous, topical and attracting wide interest while it lasted

                            But that is an important point - some threads have a natural life span, others (eg 'Stormy weather') can go on for ever quite happily. (although 'Cheers' seems to have dropped off)


                            • french frank
                              • Feb 2007
                              • 30804

                              Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                              But that is an important point - some threads have a natural life span, others (eg 'Stormy weather') can go on for ever quite happily. (although 'Cheers' seems to have dropped off)
                              I seldom contribute, but I'm quite relaxed about those two. They're both part of our unique heritage .
                              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                              • cavatina

                                Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                                Which is most of the time.

                                I'm not sure, Cavatina, wheteher as an USA citizen you should be used to 'robust' debate or not. Political discussion in the USA seems to be based on insult, if the Republicans/Tea Party are any guide,
                                They sure as hell don't have anything to do with me in the slightest; I've completely cut myself off from all that noise. I don't give a fig for what passes for popular political culture, and I'd rather spend the afternoon reading Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics than trouble myself over any of the disingenuous crap pundits are trying to foist on the public. It's all a colossal con game.

                                In my experience, Dick Morris was a very interesting, complex person to talk to--a real modern-day Machiavelli--but not at all like the persona he presents as a talking head. He does international political consulting for foreign governments (advisor in Ukraine, etc.) and at one point, I almost did some research for him, but it never got off the ground at all. Basically, I just can't get excited about petty political intrigues devoid of intellectual content; everyone's thinking short-term, and nobody gives a hang for the long-term consequences. Did I mention I miss working at my old think tank?

                                Bah, back to my Aristotle. You might want to read what he has to say about anger, reason, and living the examined life. I had a look again this morning, and it really helped me get a grip and refrain from blowing up at everyone in the other thread.

                                ARISTOTLE: NICOMACHEAN ETHICS

