Listening to this morning's BAL, I happened to mention that the Schubert Quintet was one of my A-level set works. For some reason Mrs A and I began a reminiscence upon how we listened to music in the Stone Age, and realised to our dismay that cassette players were not around in our schooldays. In the 70s cassettes enjoyed a massive popularity, but a relatively short one until superseded by the CD. In fact they persisted far longer in car dash-boards, because CD-players used to 'jump tracks' until a solution was found.
There's quite an extensive and technically interesting Wiki article about the rise and fall of cassette tapes. Extraordinary to remember that early answer-phones used to work via them...and even more extraordinary that, relatively recently, the OED dropped 'cassette player' from its lexicon.
There's quite an extensive and technically interesting Wiki article about the rise and fall of cassette tapes. Extraordinary to remember that early answer-phones used to work via them...and even more extraordinary that, relatively recently, the OED dropped 'cassette player' from its lexicon.