That appalling bercow woman ...

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  • Stillhomewardbound
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1109

    That appalling bercow woman ...

    Sorry to append this thread with the 'woman' remark ... but she's at it again!!

  • amateur51

    Did you read the article, SHB?

    It's a classic mismatch twixt headline & text


    • Anna

      Very funny article in The Guardian about it, an excerpt ......

      Sally was due to enter the Bungalow of the Damned tonight, and take her place alongside the likes of Jedward and the vajazzler off The Only Way is Essex, in a move sure to convince the country that the laundering of the mother of all parliaments is officially complete. (Incidentally, in answer to any readers wondering why we're not using the picture of Sally wrapped in a bedsheet, it's because we can't afford it. And if that isn't a sign that Britain's economy has recalibrated itself in a fairer manner, then the fact that Mrs John Bercow is pocketing £40,000 for her appearance on the show certainly should be.) She has also retained the services of Max Clifford.

      Full article:
      and also very funny about Simon Cowell


      • Stillhomewardbound
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 1109

        I know, Am51. Pure Twilight Zone stuff. I do mean this thread to be about SB, but that article was too good to resist. Had me checking the date!


        • hackneyvi

          What does Sally Bercow do?

          I know she's the Speaker's wife but does she have a job?


          • scottycelt

            She's one of those rich, posh Labour Party members (and candidate) who likes preaching socialism ... you know the sort ...


            • Flosshilde
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 7988

              Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
              Did you read the article, SHB?

              It's a classic mismatch twixt headline & text
              Not so much a mismatch, more a complete balls-up.

              But the idea of the Queen's car being clamped while she was having lunch with with the owner of NCP is priceless

              The poor clamper was arrested & "charged with wilfully obstructing a police constable in the execution of his duty [the policeman was sitting in the car]. He was also charged with contravening the Private Security Industry Act by not displaying the appropriate licensing badge. Andrews, of Shoal Enforcement, pleaded not guilty to both charges at a previous hearing and the trial is to take place at Portsmouth Magistrates' Court." Presumably he'll get an 'exemplary sentence' for doing his job.

              Honestly, you couldn't make it up. In the increasingly bizarre world our 'betters' live in you don't have to.


              • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 9173

                she does it to annoy, because it clearly teases .....
                ... wonderfully acted out passive hostility ....

                i really do object to the sexism in the title of this thread ...
                That appaling Mrs Bercow would have done the job ....since she is clearly riffing off her husband's job and publicising his supposed disapproval ...
                According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.

