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  • BetweenTheStaves

    Originally posted by Panjandrum View Post
    One of our former members has picked up on that little idiosyncracy of Facebook.

    You do need to be logged on to leave a comment, but should then be able to comment on threads or start your own.
    I give up! I log in. I can post a comment on an existing thread on the Radio 3 wall. I can post a new thread. All visible (to me). I log out. When I then go back to the Radio 3 wall as an unlogged reader then I can see other comments and threads but not mine.

    I tried 'liking' a comment. Made no difference. As the unlogged reader I can see that I 'liked' a comment but not my actual comments. Bizarre. Facebook Help doesn't.


    • Anna

      Originally posted by BetweenTheStaves View Post
      I give up! I log in. I can post a comment on an existing thread on the Radio 3 wall. I can post a new thread. All visible (to me). I log out. When I then go back to the Radio 3 wall as an unlogged reader then I can see other comments and threads but not mine.
      Same here but now, nearly 24 hours after posting, my comments are viewable when I'm not logged in. So, I presume a time delay applies to new posters (aka pre-mod?) I've just posted again, same result, cannot see it unlogged, will check later on today but am of the blow this for a game of soldiers mindset at the moment as regards FB!


      • Don Petter

        Originally posted by Panjandrum View Post
        Don, if you can't beat them join them.
        If you don't know, either, I'm not going to join whoever they are to find out!
        Last edited by Guest; 27-09-11, 15:06. Reason: Typo


        • BetweenTheStaves

          Don, it's definitely worth signing up simply to voice your concern on that Radio 2.5 website. If we can work out how these setting things work then I'm sure we can guide you through and more importantly tell you what not to do so you don't get blitzed etc.


          • Don Petter

            Originally posted by BetweenTheStaves View Post
            Don, it's definitely worth signing up simply to voice your concern on that Radio 2.5 website. If we can work out how these setting things work then I'm sure we can guide you through and more importantly tell you what not to do so you don't get blitzed etc.

            Thank you for the offer. It's not the technology which daunts me: I'm sure I could fathom that. (I've had a working life with computers, starting when 'men were men' and they were roomfuls of cabinets, and first programming an Elliott 4100 in 1966.)

            I'm as aghast at the emasculation of R3 as the next, and wish you well if you take our campaign there, but I'm just not interested in getting involved in these trivia, and certainly not going to do so because the current crop of Jolyons and Ruperts at R3 would like me to. If they want to encourage us to play tiddly tweets, while they are safe behind their one-way mirrors then so be it, but I've got many other things I'd rather be doing.


            • french frank
              • Feb 2007
              • 30804

              Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
              This is the second recent reference to 'viral'. Can anyone explain why we would want to be 'belonging or relating to or caused by a virus'?

              As I can't see an answer to your question, 'going viral' refers to something posted on the internet spreading (often unpredictably) like a virus: a YouTube video, for example, that gets a million hits in a short space of time.
              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


              • Don Petter

                Originally posted by french frank View Post

                As I can't see an answer to your question, 'going viral' refers to something posted on the internet spreading (often unpredictably) like a virus: a YouTube video, for example, that gets a million hits in a short space of time.
                Thanks, ff. I realised it must be internet-related, but couldn't get the exact flavour. Like most viruses, the unexpected consequenses might not be welcome, one might think.


                • handsomefortune

                  # 75 agree with all points.

                  issues raised take an awful lot of avoiding generally.....though for how much longer we haven't as yet been (frostily) informed.

                  the only persons i've ever heard (hurriedly) discuss the same point/s was steve hewlitt on r4 'the media show'. (also, princess kier, the 'delight' singer).


                  • Frances_iom
                    Full Member
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 2434

                    Facebook is not controlled by UK or European privacy laws - it is an American company which exists solely to sell your personal details to advertisers - catch is that although you may join and manage to get thru the maze to give maximum privacy there is no control that information by less informed or less careful people who reference you will not supply the missing details - my own guess is that many of the 20year old somethings are going to be very embarrassed in mid career when certain posts/photos etc surface and are used in anger. Quite why the BBC got in bed with this whore is inexplicable but they have a habit of this - remember the real-audio problem, the need for flash (the vector of choice for many exploits against users) etc
                    ETA it seems you can use European Privacy laws to determine just how much data Facebook is gathering - see http://europe-v-facebook.org/EN/Data...data_pool.html
                    Last edited by Frances_iom; 28-09-11, 15:43.


                    • Anna

                      Anyone looked at the R3 Facebook page this evening? Evidently on In Tune there was a Glee singer, Idina Menzel and suddenly on the FB page there are nearly 40 gushing comments, all from the USA. Who would think that Sean Rafferty was listened to so intently over there? Or that Idina had such a huge following .............. Well, that'll certainly prove R3 is packing the listeners in! (Comments are after photo of her sitting on stool in studio)

                      BBC Radio 3, London, United Kingdom. 95,768 likes · 2,001 talking about this. Arts, culture, music and ideas from the BBC. Also, home of the Proms, the world's greatest music festival.


                      • BetweenTheStaves

                        I saw that as well, Anna. I'm not surprised. We all know how fulsome 'Murricans are in their praise. Why, they sure dang applaud right after every song at the good ol' Met opery-house. And e'en afor the singer darn near finished. Yee har!

                        Or it was a Roger Wright fan club. My posts still don't appear.


                        • tony yyy

                          Originally posted by BetweenTheStaves View Post
                          My posts still don't appear.
                          Mine don't either. Has anyone worked out why?


                          • Anna

                            Originally posted by tony yyy View Post
                            Mine don't either. Has anyone worked out why?
                            I'm hoping that seasoned FaceBookers may help out on this, as it seems to be a mystery, the ability to post yet not appear to others, only yourself. I did wonder whether it was just best to start completely afresh, create hotmail or yahoo email address in a new name or is it a case of cookies not being enabled? Hopefully someone will answer although I am a bit disappointed with the R3 page (lack of comment, lack of discussion) However, catavina (yes, it is she with a new name) suggested all the moaners about Breakfast clear off and go to the discussion page (which is totally dormant!)

                            The American singer in question apparently facebooked all her fans, hence the influx of gush. She plays the Albert Hall tonight.


                            • Don Petter

                              Originally posted by Anna View Post
                              She plays the Albert Hall tonight.
                              Should be a good contest?


                              • MrGongGong
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 18357

                                Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
                                Should be a good contest?
                                these chaps know how to play a building

                                I played the Anvil once, sadly not at the ROH but in Basingstoke

