Anna, you could be right.
Originally posted by Anna View PostBtS, I posted about how I'd joined FB but my posts were not visible to anyone except myself when I was logged in. Could it be that we both have our settings wrong? (Btw, I created a new anonymous email account to preserve privacy)
I don't understand all the geek-speak implications, but this blog should be of serious concern to all Facebook users. Read the blog comments as well:
Originally posted by BetweenTheStaves View Post
EDIT: This Facebook thing is scary. The only information they have about me is my email address and so how is it that FB is telling me about friends that I have on FB....who are people that I know. Presumably these people dumped the contents of their address book into Facebook's maw. If I'd known that, I'd have created an anonymous Hotmail account.
Originally posted by PJPJ View PostFacebook knows your email address, and I think it also knows who is in your address book. It matches your address book to email addresses of Facbook account holders and matches them up.
Many people are seriously concerned with the terms that you agree to when you "join" facebook
though if you assume that (as with everything on the internet) that NOTHING is private then its not really a problem
and so on
The default privacy settings on Facebook do not provide any privacy essentially.
However, if you amend the settings and ensure that you change your user name to a psuedonym, and don't allow others to search for you by your real name, you should not have a barrage of unwanted spam.
Ignore the promptings to look for "friends" from your email address book.
Don't let others see your personal details - you have to give a few but, frankly, there's no reason why, with the exception of the email address, these have to be factually correct.
Sorted. As BTS eloquently phrased it, this is a chance to go viral. The beeb will hardly dare pull the plug on Facebook and Twitter so let's embarrass the hell out of them, and hoist them with their own petard!
BTS, presume you are posting on the Radio 3 Wall? There are two filters, one for "Most Recent" and one for "Most Popular". Until your comments are "liked" by other users, you may only appear on the "Most Recent" thread.
It may, moreover, be worth attaching your comments to a pre-existing thread. In order to do this, you have to click the "Thumbs Up" icon to a comment or a posting and then the box for comments will appear (you can always unlike a comment later!).
Originally posted by Panjandrum View PostBTS, presume you are posting on the Radio 3 Wall? There are two filters, one for "Most Recent" and one for "Most Popular". Until your comments are "liked" by other users, you may only appear on the "Most Recent" thread.
It may, moreover, be worth attaching your comments to a pre-existing thread. In order to do this, you have to click the "Thumbs Up" icon to a comment or a posting and then the box for comments will appear (you can always unlike a comment later!).
Don Petter
Originally posted by Panjandrum View PostSorted. As BTS eloquently phrased it, this is a chance to go viral.
Seems to be one of the things we are all trying to avoid, or is it perhaps a misprint for Virol, to make us all bonny bouncing babies?
Originally posted by BetweenTheStaves View PostI also see that I can say I like my own comments !!
You do need to be logged on to leave a comment, but should then be able to comment on threads or start your own.
Facebook (and twitter etc) is a company
it seems more than a little foolish IMV for so many organisations (more or less ALL the arts organisations that I know of and the broadcast media) to rely on the whims of a private company for their communication and interaction. Almost all of the projects and things i'm involved with now assume that one is part of the whole facebook thing ....... so much for informed choice then !
If I wrote a piece of music and posted it on facebook there's nothing to stop the company taking it and selling it to whoever they like , same with images etc there's something seriously wrong with this IMV
it seems to be a bit like the way that we have allowed our public space to become private, try putting up a tripod with a camera on it (or even have a microphone with a windshield !)on the embankment outside the Festival Hall and see how quickly you get pounced on by "security" demanding to see your permission ! same goes for many other supposed "public" spaces.