Originally posted by Roslynmuse
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The turning-point for me came with resolving the complexity you mention, probably nearer 10 years ago than 5... Being an Apple user, their relatively cheap little item called ‘Airport Express’ solved the problem. Discreet and plugged into the amp, it received music wirelessly from whatever Apple kit I was using, and delivered sound through the ‘hi fi’ that was quite the equal of using the CD player.
That changed everything for me. Using Qobuz & BBC Sounds suits my listening habits infinitely more these days than buying physical items.
The wall of CDs remains, but largely unplayed (or added to) for the last decade.
Of course one is at the mercy of the technology companies. Notably, Apple stopped making the Airport Express a few years back ... Happily mine continues to work (and thanks to another contributor to this thread I have a new spare). I use it exclusively with iOS equipment nowadays and I’m a little fearful that some update is going to end the compatibility with the Airport Express at a stroke. If that happens, there’ll need to be an annoying re-think.
For now though the simplicity and quality of the set-up suits me fine. Plus it’s satisfying that my beloved speakers, bought back in 1990, are in harness with 2020s technology hardly dreamt of when they were made.