Radio 4 8pm to 9pm on Saturday 6th August.
Anyone interested in the BBC and Received Pronunciation should listen to this trawl through the past. Interviews with Lord Reith by Malcolm Muggeridge, the voices of GBS, Frank Phillips,
Alvar Liddell, Wilfred Pickles, [who could drop his Northern accent when required to] many more. Also covers changing accents by HM the Queen and various politicians. Every word loud and clear but so posh compared to today. In my childhood it was the norm on the BBC though.
Shortened repeat on Monday at 3pm on R4.
Anyone interested in the BBC and Received Pronunciation should listen to this trawl through the past. Interviews with Lord Reith by Malcolm Muggeridge, the voices of GBS, Frank Phillips,
Alvar Liddell, Wilfred Pickles, [who could drop his Northern accent when required to] many more. Also covers changing accents by HM the Queen and various politicians. Every word loud and clear but so posh compared to today. In my childhood it was the norm on the BBC though.
Shortened repeat on Monday at 3pm on R4.