Missing persons

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  • salymap
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 5969

    Missing persons


    Are they snowed up and can't reach their computers?

    On holiday somewhere warm?

    Fed up with the chat and have made their escape?

    Some other reason?

    Apart from smittims,whom I still miss,several others have not turned up yet. KCII. hornspieler, genial horn, are there other valued posters not here yet.

  • BBMmk2
    Late Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 20908

    Perfect Wagnerite wqas stranded on a train last night. Had to sleep in the train itself. And there was only one loo workiong too!! Poor chap. I hope he is ok now able to get home!
    Don’t cry for me
    I go where music was born

    J S Bach 1685-1750


    • french frank
      • Feb 2007
      • 30666

      Originally posted by salymap View Post
      Apart from smittims,whom I still miss,several others have not turned up yet. KCII. hornspieler, genial horn, are there other valued posters not here yet.

      KCII is indeed among our members. I would like to see Stevo. I'm afraid that people who managed to miss the whole drama may turn up on the R3 website without a clue that we exist.
      Last edited by french frank; 02-12-10, 14:40. Reason: Omitted a vital word
      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


      • aka Calum Da Jazbo
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 9173

        well said salymap; might i add to your list

        Trevor Cooper
        Richard Harris aka Blusnik
        Tenor or whatever he now calls hisself [Bruce you know who i mean]
        Burning Doge
        Ken Mathieson

        and others
        According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


        • Stillhomewardbound
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 1109

          Hi Salymap,

          Nice to see you've made it here. I'm sure people will appear in time as they bob up onto the shore.

          I feel like the 'new arrivals' theme should be that of the wonderful 1960s Robinson Cruesoe.

          Believe it or not, I am still cycling in this weather from Blackheath to Shoreditch (8 miles). Had to be very ginger this morning though and my usual ride took 50mins instead of a normal 35mins. Still, better that then being on a freezing platform waiting for trains that aren't coming.

          I wonder how much more of this have we to come?!


          • Anna

            salymap, some people said they had no intention of joining anyother MB, some were already using alternatives. If you look at the list of Members here you will find who has registered from the old R3 Boards (assuming they keep their original names) but who have not as yet posted.

            I think a lot of them will cotinue just to read the MB, without contributing, until they see in which direction it is going. I doubt if anyone missed the announcement, as from memory it was Wednesday of last week. There should, I imagine, be some sort of general announcement on the BBC somewhere and as all know of frenchie's for3 connection a google should direct them here.


            • Roehre

              Originally posted by Anna View Post
              I doubt if anyone missed the announcement, as from memory it was Wednesday of last week..
              I am afraid that it is a real possibillity that regulars have missed the announcement, for I would have missed it if it had happened between October 4th and November 12th, nearly six weeks in which I was otherwise engaged abroad.


              • Anna

                If anyone did miss the announcement, if they put BBC 3 Message Boards into Google, to to the MB link and then sign in, as I have just done, you can now read all the threads and see the links to the alternative MBs. Google also shows up other links pointing people to the two sites, such as Philidor's site and some jazz sites about the closure as well. So I think, given a Google, anyone should be able to find their way.


                • salymap
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 5969

                  M 4 Calum, I don't know a lot of the names you mention but Serial Apologist, dear S_A , how could I have not missed HIM? I know he had doubts but surely he will show up here soon. Unless he is hiding on the Euda bit ofthe boards ????? laugh.


                  • Anna

                    Another thing to consider salymap is that regular posters to R3 may still be very upset at losing the MB and not in the right frame of mind to post anywhere else for the moment

                    When R3 MBs went into meltdown and the postings there became, in the main intolerable, I did resist going elsewhere very strongly (having posted since around 2004), and it was a huge wrench and most upsetting, so maybe they need a little bit of time out? Excuse me, what are the Euda bits of the Boards?


                    • BBMmk2
                      Late Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20908

                      Hi Anna!!

                      Yes quiite honestly, there is at least one person I know, who might not come here for the time being, just because of being so upset by the loss of the mb's
                      Don’t cry for me
                      I go where music was born

                      J S Bach 1685-1750


                      • sigolene euphemia

                        Excuse me, what are the Euda bits of the Boards?
                        Click on her 'avatar' ~ the musical score of Beethoven and there is Euda !

                        salymap, i found this the day i returned to the BBC3 messageboard quite by luck two days before the closure. Like a snow pass 'closure' in Northern New Mexico or especially Colorado.

                        Anyways, salymap I digress...

                        Message 245 - posted by Hornspieler (U9416320) , 6 Days Ago
                        Anyone who wishes to communicate with me to ask questions or simply to express opinions or just have a chat, can reach me via my troovi picture site :-


                        I shall not be joining any of the recommended sites because I do not wish to get too involved with persons unknown to me on these sites.

                        I shall say farewell to you all and wish you the best for the future. If you wish to maintain a personal (as opposed to universal) contact
                        you know how to find me.

                        Be assured that I would not reveal your email address to any other party unless given express permission to do so.


                        The best of the BBC, with the latest news and sport headlines, weather, TV & radio highlights and much more from across the whole of BBC Online

                        's to you,


                        • salymap
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 5969

                          snowballs to you too Sigolene. Thank you for direct link to Euda's board. It is either my age or the cold weather but I am extremely tired and forgetful at the moment. Think I will have a very early night. How is your knee? Did you say it was broken. Must be extremely painful.Wish you better. best wishes from saly


                          • sigolene euphemia


                            Good night salymap, did you tuck in a cozy hot water bottle ?

                            Tired comes with extreme cold. This is normal.

                            Yes, my knee. Bone on bone, &. The photos from surgery tho; look like an alabaster sculpture.



                            • Dave2002
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 18062

                              Originally posted by Anna View Post
                              Excuse me, what are the Euda bits of the Boards?
                              I didn't really understand Sigolene's answer, but then remembered that this board has a Search facility. Assuming I got it right, I think you'll get more light on the subject if you put "Euda" into the search box. There are indeed pictures of music.

