I was around for the original V E Day - having been born just as Dresden burned from the allied bombing - and have fairly unmixed feelings about this celebration tomorrow, 8 May. I believe it has been foisted upon us as some sort of celebration of B****t, and am relieved that Covid-19 has forced a scaling down of whatever plans were afoot. I wish it weren't happening.
My lifetime has been blessed with (mostly) peace in Europe - not forgetting the Balkan tragedy - and I attribute much of that to the existence of the European Union: with all its faults, it has been partially instrumental in keeping that peace.
I detest nationalism in all countries, and don't like it when the one I live in wheels out dusty jingoistic tropes like this one.
My lifetime has been blessed with (mostly) peace in Europe - not forgetting the Balkan tragedy - and I attribute much of that to the existence of the European Union: with all its faults, it has been partially instrumental in keeping that peace.
I detest nationalism in all countries, and don't like it when the one I live in wheels out dusty jingoistic tropes like this one.