Originally posted by smittims
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Good News stories
My new bank cards arrived through the post this afternoon, thus concluding my present day period drama with the online scammers, so this should be my last episode. One thing that seemed strange was that they had only sent new pin number details for one of the cards, and so, assuming the other card pin number had not been changed, I tested it just now on the local ATM, and it worked using the old pin number. The other new card will only come into operation for general purchases after chip and pinning it for the first transaction. I suppose this it to guard against interceptors
My gas boiler passed its annual MOT this afternoon, apart from its perennial leak, for which the woman engineer - a first time ever for me, incidentally - was able to fix a visit tomorrow morning, which I think is pretty good service, although I have my doubts if the leak will be fixed. .
Coincidentally our boiler had a service last Friday which revealed a similar fault, and we've just been told the engineer is on his way with the new part. It shows how useful it is to have them checked. It could have been trundling on from week to week withoiut our realising a fault was slowly brewing.
Originally posted by smittims View PostCoincidentally our boiler had a service last Friday which revealed a similar fault, and we've just been told the engineer is on his way with the new part. It shows how useful it is to have them checked. It could have been trundling on from week to week withoiut our realising a fault was slowly brewing.
This might amuse...
bit more here https://visdeurbel.nl/over-de-visdeurbel/
Originally posted by oddoneout View PostThis might amuse...It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View Post
When I'm next in the Netherlands it will be very useful to know that the Dutch for "Fish doorbell" is "Vis deurbel".
Ja!! Laat maar komen die #lente. Wij zijn er klaar voor!Vrijdag 1 maart 2024 gaat de #Visdeurbel aan. Met een heel bijzondere opening. Én een wekelijks #Visd...
Originally posted by Dave2002 View PostMaybe this "news" is real - still not sure.
Ja!! Laat maar komen die #lente. Wij zijn er klaar voor!Vrijdag 1 maart 2024 gaat de #Visdeurbel aan. Met een heel bijzondere opening. Én een wekelijks #Visd...
De vismigratie komt deze week meer op gang! We zien twee nieuwe soorten; brasem en baars. Ik vertel jullie meer over vismigratie, wat is dit eigenlijk? En na...
QI has tweeted about it, American football players have put it on their TikTok and over a million viewers have been hooked in. All you do is wait for a fish, press a button – and save their lives
There is work going on elsewhere in Holland to do with fish migration, so I see no reason to doubt this is "real" - it's a form of citizen science.
The Afsluitdijk protects our country against the water, but also poses an obstruction to many types of fish. The Fish Migration River will ensure that fish will be able to swim from salt to fresh water again. They need this to survive. The Fish Migration River is an innovative plan to restore the connection between the Waddenzee and the IJsselmeer. In addition, the Fish Migration River contributes to healthy water, restoring a wonderful variety of plants and animals in the area, and offers recreation options.
While we're on clever animals let me bore you with Billy's lucky escape.
Billy is a very chunky British Black cat who is feeling the onset of spring by 'boldly going' where he hasn't gone before, such as a drawer in my tallboy while I was changing, and then climbing over the back of the drawer , trapping himself in the space behind it. After much miaowing while I contempleted dismantling the wretched unit, I pulled out the bottom drawer as far as it would go and he squeezed out like a limbo dancer. I hope 'lessons have been learnt' now.
Originally posted by french frank View PostA general pointthe homepage shows that there are currently 163 "active users" - these being registered members active in recent days - whether 10 days or 30 days the vBulletin admins can't agree..
Originally posted by LMcD View PostGood news (I guess)
2024 Radio Academy Awards Nominations include Essential Classics for Best Music Entertainment Show and Radio 3 for UK Station or Network of the YearIt isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by LMcD View Post
There seems to have been a noticeable increase of late in the number of active users - 200 at the time of posting!It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.