Such is the absence of things to cheer us up these days that I have reached the point of finding anything amounting to good news worthy of celebration. And so I have decided to start a thread devoted to Good News stories and items, in the hope of inviting others to contribute, so as to remind us that the world is not altogether the bleak place most of the media would lead us to believe.
Today's Good News story comes from North London, where a means has been devised to recycle hot air generated from the Tube directly into a thousand neighbouring council-owned properties, including homes, schools, offices, industrial premises and community centres. This we learned from today's lunchtime local BBC TV news: scroll forward through the bad news stuff to 5 minutes 7 seconds in:
And become acquainted with our vivacious regular news reader and weather forecast presenter while on there!

I can't see any reason why this can't be put into operation more widely around London.
Today's Good News story comes from North London, where a means has been devised to recycle hot air generated from the Tube directly into a thousand neighbouring council-owned properties, including homes, schools, offices, industrial premises and community centres. This we learned from today's lunchtime local BBC TV news: scroll forward through the bad news stuff to 5 minutes 7 seconds in:
And become acquainted with our vivacious regular news reader and weather forecast presenter while on there!

I can't see any reason why this can't be put into operation more widely around London.