George Useless

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 38181

    Originally posted by kernelbogey View Post
    A similarly 'robust' interviewee style adopted by David Davies MP (in Barbour and Wellies) trying to put down Cathy Newman on Channel Four News tonight: but getting from her as good as he gave.

    (So where is the Prime Minister...?)
    Hmm - can't say I was much impressed by Cathy tonight, repeatedly asking the same question when David Davies (are there two of them BTW?) had made it clear that the Welsh govt puts in requests for extra emergency funding rather than Whitehall deciding what this is to be regardless. He also argued rather well, I thought, that government ministers showing up to demonstrate their commiserations would have been in the way of clear up operations.

    I sometimes wonder if interviewers plant stupid questions on poliiticians in the patronising view that these are the sorts of things Joe Public would be asking of politicians if given the chance. This is in no way providing informative coverage of issues - the BBC do it too: no wonder Joe Public is so misinformed, given that it believes broadcasting media to be impartial.


    • kernelbogey
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5881

      David Davies (are there two of them BTW?)
      There are two: the maestro of Brexit was David Davis.

      Davies tonight adopted what I think is part of the Government's new strategy for the media: giving long, often repetitive answers, and declining to stop when the interviewer makes a further point. We all (and they both) know it's a game, with limited time, but I thought he came off looking like a pratt.

      Johnson adopted this strategy a few weeks ago on tv with Andrew Marr.

      (The other, bigger, bit of the strategy is refusing to make minsters available for interview.)


      • ardcarp
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 11102

        Davies tonight adopted what I think is part of the Government's new strategy for the media: giving long, often repetitive answers, and declining to stop when the interviewer makes a further point. We all (and they both) know it's a game, with limited time, but I thought he came off looking like a pratt.

        Johnson adopted this strategy a few weeks ago on tv with Andrew Marr.

        (The other, bigger, bit of the strategy is refusing to make minsters available for interview.)
        Dead right.

        I've just watched the Davies/Newman interview. I'm not sure there was a winner or a loser. Davies was trying to say it was the Welsh Assebly's responsibility to 'fix' the flooding, not Whitehall's. Newman was asking if he was aware that the Welsh Assembly had asked for tens of millions of pounds from central government. He obviously wasn't but pretended otherwise. A nasty piece of work, I thought, just rudely repeating his mantra about the reason for no visits from the PM or other senior ministers.


        • LMcD
          Full Member
          • Sep 2017
          • 8917

          Originally posted by kernelbogey View Post
          A similarly 'robust' interviewee style adopted by David Davies MP (in Barbour and Wellies) trying to put down Cathy Newman on Channel Four News tonight: but getting from her as good as he gave.

          (So where is the Prime Minister...?)

          Busy being photographed with his new Polish-produced passport.

