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  • Padraig
    Full Member
    • Feb 2013
    • 4272

    Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
    ....does that have a meaning....i ching maybe....throwing the runes maybe....cream horn maybe....edit a smile on it an i might reconsider....
    8th ,it means I was ITCHING to hear the explanation you demanded.

    I'm an 'avid reader' rather than a daring contributor. OK?


    • eighthobstruction
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 6527

      Originally posted by Padraig View Post
      8th ,it means I was ITCHING to hear the explanation you demanded.

      I'm an 'avid reader' rather than a daring contributor. OK?
      ....ah didn't see that Padraig sorry I was having a perplexing time....
      bong ching


      • eighthobstruction
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 6527

        Originally posted by french frank View Post
        One last comment. The sudden reappearance of the 'Western Politics' thread after lying dormant for a year was followed by the move of the D C thread to the same forum (Ideas and Theory), presumably because any subject relating to politics and politicians (elected and unelected) tends to attract the same posters (eighth being prominent on both).

        But, eighth, the log says the thread moved at 21.01 and you posted on it yourself at 22.48. If it didn't appear in What's New? that must have been a glitch.

        One tip (which has been mentioned before), if you can't see a thread on the What's New? view and you know you've just been posting on it, go to the forum homepage , move across the tabs at the top to Quick Links (New Posts Private Messages FAQ Calendar Community Forum Actions Quick Links) and click on Today's Posts. Scroll down to The threads below have not been updated since your last visit - and it should be there).
        Well thankyou all I need to do is find your post if it ever happens again....I'm pretty glichey myself, as all should know by now....thank you too for keeping this on the front page so all may know either : my suseptibility towards paranoia, my self obssession, my inability to organise /log my doings, my problematic lashing out, but also my....and my....pleasure as always to be in your gaze and noesis zone....double double Fred Astaire sang in my theme song "there may be trouble ahead"....etc....have I told you about my problems with my new central heating digital controller, + a new mobile phone. Well *^?¬! (*/<** ?/=+^^¬", that's another story....thank you for taking the time....
        bong ching


        • oddoneout
          Full Member
          • Nov 2015
          • 9526

          Originally posted by french frank View Post
          One last comment. The sudden reappearance of the 'Western Politics' thread after lying dormant for a year was followed by the move of the D C thread to the same forum (Ideas and Theory), presumably because any subject relating to politics and politicians (elected and unelected) tends to attract the same posters (eighth being prominent on both).

          But, eighth, the log says the thread moved at 21.01 and you posted on it yourself at 22.48. If it didn't appear in What's New? that must have been a glitch.

          One tip (which has been mentioned before), if you can't see a thread on the What's New? view and you know you've just been posting on it, go to the forum homepage , move across the tabs at the top to Quick Links (New Posts Private Messages FAQ Calendar Community Forum Actions Quick Links) and click on Today's Posts. Scroll down to The threads below have not been updated since your last visit - and it should be there).
          I always use the Quick Links route now and look in on the forum frequently so when the DC thread was suddenly absent I wondered what had happened.

