This site uses several cookies to remember your preferences etc, its only other call is to some which can be safely blocked, these may hide other trackers but I've not traced this route - the tracking within shops etc is via your mobile phone - sometimes using bluetooth or the wifi component - there are illegal methods of forcing a disconnect and then tracking which phones reconnect to a base station - the solution to this is a simple phone used on PAYG paid for with cash and switching it off unless you need to make call.
The building society is just annoying but it seems difficult for marketing androids to realise that such activities are often more resented than useful (this is on the polite assumption that some sociopath thought it was a 'good' idea and the staff are 'merely following orders' - personally I'd think about changing your building society if they don't immediately cease) .
The building society is just annoying but it seems difficult for marketing androids to realise that such activities are often more resented than useful (this is on the polite assumption that some sociopath thought it was a 'good' idea and the staff are 'merely following orders' - personally I'd think about changing your building society if they don't immediately cease) .