Reading across the economics pages this weekend makes for a very depressing outlook ....
The USA is at the brink on the debt ceiling but nowhere on tackling the deficit
The EU is sticking unsticky plaster over Greece and the prospects in Portugal, Spain and Italy
The UK faces a major problem with its Debt, which will soak the yield from any growth [if any]
Bond and other markets [the usual suspects in the Global Casino] are likely to drive us all into a rerun of 2008 but without the $trillions to re-bail the situation
HACKGATE, Norway and Winehouse have dominated all the headlines in recent weeks, but the economic threat is chillingly large, imminent and likely ......
The USA is at the brink on the debt ceiling but nowhere on tackling the deficit
The EU is sticking unsticky plaster over Greece and the prospects in Portugal, Spain and Italy
The UK faces a major problem with its Debt, which will soak the yield from any growth [if any]
Bond and other markets [the usual suspects in the Global Casino] are likely to drive us all into a rerun of 2008 but without the $trillions to re-bail the situation
HACKGATE, Norway and Winehouse have dominated all the headlines in recent weeks, but the economic threat is chillingly large, imminent and likely ......